[photograph] Another little odd destination up there is the Old Stone House Museum [also known as Athenian Hall] in Brownington Vermont.

Since we'd loaded up on travel books [from the library, natch] we knew a lot of things about this place, many of which contradicted somewhat. The legend is that it was built by the Reverend Alexander Twilight who was the first Black graduate of a US college, Middlebury. However, at least one book we read called in to question his "Blackness" noting that he was dark skinned but his racial origin was unknown. Other accounts were more interested in how he built this giant stone house, implying that its creation was quite mysterious in and of itself.

All we know is that the people who seem to caretake the place were closing up when we got there and recommended that we climb up Prospect Hill and catch the view from the tower up there. Apparently we misssed some fine letterboxes right in the area.

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