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Their message was compelling, yet easy for the people on their way in to just see it as an anti-Bush message and say "Oh, I'm part of the solution" and keep walking.

We got held up because of the "bomb threat" which was the result of a device which may or may not have been designed to look like a molotov cocktail. They shut down streets, told us to hide behind buildings, mixed it up with protestors, arrested a few people, and went back to business as usual. I heard about all this from the undercover lady FBI agent. It always sucks to hear about these things from law enforcement because they often have, shall I say, a particular perspective on these types of events.

The lack of good information, especially timely information, was an ongoing theme of this event. Watching the events later on the TV you either got the "Oh this was street theater" clip from the cops where they strongly alluded to the fact that they had made a mistake in flipping out over a paper mache "device" or you saw the one where they were much more bitter, defensive and self-righteous. Very "blame the victim." Guess which one made the nightly news?