[I've been
After the Snooter

I didn’t read or see From Hell so I didn’t have a lot of preconceived notions of what Eddie Campbell might be like. I got this book out of the library because of the richly designed cover and its place in the graphic novel section. This book is a sort of autobiography, in comic form, of Campbell. He outlines working from home, dealing with kids, other miscellaneous stuff. He talks a bit about some author/conference tours, Neil Gaiman, and what it’s like to run a business out of your home. He interacts with his wife, makes jokes with his kids, and has some particularly amusing interactions with his cat. He and his wife buy a house, they get older...

If you’ve liked Campbell’s other work, or didn’t like From Hell because it was too violent but wanted to see more by him, this book is great. If you don’t know him from a hole in the wall [as I didn’t] it may be a bit dry at times. Campbell’s illustration style is spare and jaggedy and a bit hard to access if you’re not already compelled by the storyline. Great if you’re into his stuff, and still pretty good even if you aren’t.