Ben Aaronovitch
Broken Homes (9 January 2024)
Foxglove Summer (18 September 2024)
The Hanging Tree (24 September 2024)
Moon Over Soho (8 November 2023)
The Rivers of London (2 November 2023)
Whispers Underground (24 November 2023)
Jessica Abel
La Perdida (5 October 2011)
Life Sucks (10 December 2008)
Soundtrack (15 February 2005)
Marguerite Abouet
Aya (30 September 2014)
Stacey Abrams
While Justice Sleeps (8 January 2022)
James Acaster
James Acaster’s Classic Scrapes (3 October 2021)
David Acheson
The Calculus Story (28 March 2022)
Andre Aciman
Harvard Square (9 February 2019)
Amir Aczel
David Adam
The Man Who Couldn’t Stop (15 March 2015)
Scott Adams
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far (14 June 2002)
Anne Adams
Clean It, Fix It, Find It (1 January 2005)
Douglas Adams
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time (6 January 2014)
Jussi Adler-Olsen
The Keeper of Lost Causes (20 October 2018)
James Agee
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (7 February 2006)
A.X. Ahmad
The Last Taxi Ride (21 March 2024)
Weiwei Ai
Zodiac (29 June 2024)
Rumaan Alam
Leave The World Behind (6 February 2023)
Naomi Alderman
The Future (18 December 2024)
Sherman Alexie
Blasphemy (17 February 2014)
War Dances (26 July 2017)
Tim Allen
Don’t Stand Too Close to a Naked Man (17 March 2005)
Isabel Allende
Daughter of Fortune (18 July 2007)
Julia Alvarez
The Cemetery of Untold Stories (16 November 2024)
Saving the World (30 March 2015)
Yo! (5 June 2019)
Reinhold Aman
Opus Maledictorum: A Book of Bad Words (10 September 2002)
Gene Ambaum
Large Print (1 July 2010)
Allison Amend
Enchanted Islands (14 July 2022)
Charlie Jane Anders
All the Birds in the Sky (11 December 2017)
The City in the Middle of the Night (16 March 2019)
Sarah Andersen
Adulthood is a Myth (15 August 2016)
Herding Cats (19 November 2018)
M.T. Anderson
The Daughters of Ys (14 November 2020)
Feed (13 February 2003)
Nicked (17 August 2024)
Janet Anderson
The Last Treasure (5 November 2006)
Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak: The Graphic Novel (11 December 2018)
Poul Anderson
Tau Zero (24 May 2020)
Ryan Andrews
This Was Our Pact (15 November 2020)
Kerri Andrews
Wanderers, A History of Women Walking (10 September 2022)
David Angell
The Elements of E-mail Style (27 September 2004)
Lara Antal
Breakers (12 April 2018)
Joey Anuff, ed.
Michiko Anyama
What You Are Looking For Is In The Library (22 February 2025)
Kathi Appelt
Down Cut Shin Creek (10 September 2010)
Jeffrey Archer
The Eleventh Commandment (4 November 2013)
Edward Ashton
Antimatter Blues (28 March 2023)
The End of Ordinary (11 February 2022)
Mickey7 (16 March 2022)
Mateo Askaripour
This Great Hemisphere (23 August 2024)
David Attenborough
Amazing Rare Things (29 February 2008)
Ben Austen
Paolo Bacigalupi
Water Knife (22 July 2017)
The Windup Girl (25 August 2014)
Derf Backderf
My Friend Dahmer (19 June 2013)
Fredrick Backman
A Man Called Ove (16 November 2022)
Michael Baden
Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner (18 August 2002)
Peter Bagge
Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story (3 February 2014)
Penelope Bagieu
Jessixa Bagley
Duel (31 January 2024)
Nicholson Baker
A Box of Matches (13 February 2003)
Vox (19 March 2003)
David Baldacci
The Collectors (22 September 2012)
James Baldwin
Going to Meet the Man (28 June 2008)
J.G. Ballard
The Drowned World (25 April 2002)
Terminal Beach (20 December 2002)
Mordechai Bar-or
Be a Blessing (23 February 2025)
Elizabeth Barbour
Sacred Celebrations (28 July 2024)
Abby Bardi
The Book of Fred (9 March 2002)
Linda Barnes
Hardware (8 November 2006)
Andrea Barrett
Ship Fever (14 March 2012)
Max Barry
The 22 Murders of Madison May (24 July 2021)
Company (19 February 2015)
Jennifer Government (22 October 2014)
Lexicon (12 August 2014)
Machine Man (9 October 2017)
Syrup (12 September 2015)
Brunonia Barry
The Lace Reader (24 December 2014)
Linda Barry
Best American Comics 2008 (29 August 2019)
Donald Barthelme
Flying to America (31 May 2008)
The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine (28 January 2004)
Allison Hoover Bartlett
The Man Who Loved Books Too Much (29 July 2009)
Steve Bass
PC Annoyances (6 September 2004)
Jefferson Bass
The Devil’s Bones (23 April 2010)
Lois Battle
The Florabama Ladies' Auxiliary & Sewing Circle (2 January 2006)
Erica Bauermeister
The Scent Keeper (17 September 2021)
David Bayles
Art and Fear (18 April 2007)
Greg Bear
Queen of Angels (9 March 2007)
Slant (6 April 2006)
Anvil of Stars (15 August 2005)
Beyond Heaven’s River (7 March 2007)
Blood Music (15 November 2005)
Darwin’s Children (27 May 2003)
Darwin’s Radio (30 June 2002)
The Forge of God (2 July 2005)
Mariposa (1 July 2021)
Moving Mars (28 May 2005)
Quantico (8 July 2008)
Quantico (11 June 2021)
Vitals (9 April 2004)
Elizabeth Bear
Ancestral Night (2 November 2020)
Machine (11 November 2020)
Kate Beaton
Hark A Vagrant (22 December 2015)
Step Aside Pops (31 May 2016)
M. C. Beaton
Agatha Raisin and the Quiche of Death (7 October 2019)
Agatha Raisin and the Vicious Vet (25 August 2020)
Owen Beattie
Frozen in Time (8 January 2021)
Alison Bechdel
Are You My Mother (13 June 2013)
Split-Level Dykes to Watch Out For (17 November 2004)
Best American Comics 2011 (12 April 2020)
Dykes And Sundry Other Carbon-Based Life-FormsTo Watch Out For (10 February 2004)
Fun Home (12 July 2011)
The Secret to Superhuman Strength (16 March 2022)
Spawn of Dykes to Watch Out For (27 February 2002)
Harmony Becker
Himawari House (16 November 2021)
Rebecca Beguin
The Runner and the Keeper-Of-Song (3 October 2020)
Christopher Beha
The Whole Five Feet (13 December 2009)
Larry Beinhart
The Librarian (30 March 2005)
Cece Bell
El Deafo (13 December 2015)
W. Kamau Bell
The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell (5 July 2019)
Matt Bell
Appleseed (20 February 2022)
Darrin Bell
The Talk (19 January 2024)
John Stark Bellamy II
Vintage Vermont Villainies (11 November 2013)
Alex Bellos
Here’s Looking at Euclid (28 January 2012)
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Corruption (29 June 2003)
Sue Bender
Plain and Simple: A Journey to the Amish (25 November 2017)
Robert Jackson Bennett
Foundryside (12 January 2019)
The Tainted Cup (7 February 2025)
Jesse Bering
Perv: The Sexual Deviant In All of Us (4 April 2014)
Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That: And Other Reflections on Being Human (14 December 2014)
Art Bernstein
Weird Hikes (30 October 2011)
Pierre Berton
The Klondike Quest: A Photographic Essay (27 March 2009)
Hanna Bervoets
We Had To Remove This Post (15 July 2022)
Joel Best
More Damned Lies and Statistics (30 September 2006)
Damned Lies and Statistics (30 June 2002)
David Bianculli
Steve Biddulph
The Secret Life of Men (12 May 2004)
Michael Bierut
79 Short Essays on Design (12 September 2016)
Burkhard Bilger
Noodling for Flatheads (10 October 2018)
Carmen Bin Ladin
Inside The Kingdom: My Life In Saudi Arabia (24 August 2018)
Adolfo Bioy Casares
The Invention of Morel (14 March 2011)
Mikkel Birkegaard
Library of Shadows (3 June 2012)
Tim Birkhead
The Most Perfect Thing: Inside (and Outside) a Bird’s Egg (12 January 2018)
John Birmingham
The Cruel Stars (26 January 2022)
Holley Bishop
Robbing the Bees (9 August 2006)
Eula Biss
Notes from No Man’s Land (2 January 2012)
Katarina Bivald
The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend (14 September 2018)
Sue Black
All That Remains: A Life in Death (10 August 2020)
Judith Blackstone
Zen for Beginners (22 January 2003)
Clark Blaise
Time Lord (1 August 2002)
B.L. Blanchard
The Peacekeeper (17 June 2022)
Kathleen Blee
Women of the Klan: Racism and Gender in the 1920s (23 June 2020)
Stan Blits
Come On Down!: Behind the Big Doors at "The Price Is Right" (6 April 2015)
Rebecca Blood
The Weblog Handbook (1 September 2002)
Kim Bo-Young
I’m Waiting for You and Other Stories (21 April 2021)
Benson Bobrick
Labyrinths of Iron, a History of the World’s Subways (10 August 2024)
Alex Boese
Elephants on acid: and other bizarre experiments (30 September 2015)
Hippo Eats Dwarf (22 April 2006)
Museum of Hoaxes (5 August 2003)
Matthew Bogart
Incredible Doom (30 December 2022)
Incredible Doom: Volume 2 (31 December 2022)
Anne Bogel
I’d Rather Be Reading (21 December 2024)
Kendra Boileau
Covid Chronicles (22 November 2021)
Jill Bolte Taylor
My Stroke of Insight (18 April 2010)
Jan Bondeson
The Great Pretenders (24 April 2004)
Elizabeth Bonesteel
Arkhangelsk (1 May 2022)
Ulrich Boser
Herman Charles Bosman
Mafeking Road (24 April 2007)
Barbara Bosworth
Trees: National Champions (7 August 2015)
Herve Bouchard
Harvey (24 April 2017)
Geoffrey Bowker
Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences (20 January 2025)
Helen Boyd
My Husband Betty (14 June 2004)
Jennifer Boylan
She’s Not There: A Life in Two Genders (13 October 2003)
T. C. Boyle
The Road to Wellville (3 March 2007)
Ray Bradbury
The Cat’s Pajamas (27 October 2004)
R is for Rocket (26 February 2003)
Ray Bradbury, ed.
The Circus of Dr Lao and Other Improbable Stories (6 August 2002)
Kaliane Bradley
The Ministry of Time (14 June 2024)
Rick Bragg
All Over But the Shoutin' (29 July 2005)
Guy Branum
My Life As A Goddess (2 November 2022)
Richard Brautigan
The Edna Webster Collection of Undiscovered Writings (29 May 2010)
Sombrero Fallout (13 May 2002)
An Unfortunate Woman (18 January 2002)
Eric Brende
Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology (28 September 2004)
Fred Brock
Retire on Less Than You Think (22 September 2004)
Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Fleishman Is in Trouble (9 November 2022)
Michael Brooks
13 Things That Don’t Make Sense (4 February 2010)
Quantum Astrologer’s Handbook (2 July 2019)
Geraldine Brooks
The Best American Short Stories 2011 (18 April 2012)
March (14 December 2011)
People of the Book (22 November 2011)
Year of Wonders (16 December 2011)
Sarah Brooks
A Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands (27 July 2024)
Vera Brosgol
Be Prepared (23 March 2019)
Allie Brosh
Hyperbole and a Half (7 June 2020)
Solutions and Other Problems (14 July 2021)
Mikita Brottman
Maximum Security Book Club (17 March 2016)
Tom Brown
Tom Brown’s Field Guide to Wilderness Survival (13 November 2002)
Dan Brown
Angels & Demons (9 February 2004)
The Da Vinci Code (20 January 2004)
Deception Point (15 March 2004)
Digital Fortress (29 February 2004)
Inferno (9 June 2013)
The Lost Symbol (21 February 2013)
Chester Brown
I Never Liked You (20 March 2004)
Frederic Brown
The Fabulous Clipjoint (7 June 2016)
Janelle Brown
Watch Me Disappear (31 July 2017)
Taylor Brown
Gods of Howl Mountain (19 November 2018)
Wingwalkers (4 July 2022)
Box Brown
Andre the Giant: Life and Legend (30 May 2019)
Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America (2 March 2020)
The He-Man Effect (18 November 2023)
Tetris: The Games People Play (24 February 2019)
Don Brown
The Great American Dust Bowl (27 September 2019)
Gareth Brown
The Book of Doors (17 March 2024)
Christopher Brown
A Natural History of Empty Lots (25 July 2024)
Ivan Brunetti
An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories (27 June 2018)
Finn Brunton
Spam: A Shadow History of the Internet (30 August 2015)
Jan Harold Brunvand
The Baby Train and Other Lusty Urban Legends (13 January 2013)
Bill Bryson
I’m a Stranger Here Myself (14 March 2008)
In A Sunburned Country (8 December 2004)
Made in America (2 January 2005)
A Short History of Nearly Everything (24 September 2005)
A Walk in the Woods (5 April 2005)
Patrick Buckley
The Hungry Scientist Handbook (10 December 2008)
Michael Buckley
N.E.R.D.S. (30 December 2016)
Mark Budman
The Shape-shifters Guide to Time Travel (20 May 2020)
Bill Buford
Among the Thugs (21 July 2009)
Heat (2 February 2010)
Thi Bui
The Best We Could Do (18 December 2018)
Claire Burch
Tales of Young Urban Squatters (8 May 2005)
Sue Burke
Semiosis (5 January 2019)
Charles Burns
Best American Comics 2009 (5 September 2019)
Black Hole (7 September 2007)
Stephen Bury
The Cobweb (14 June 2002)
Mark Bushnell
Hidden History of Vermont (19 March 2018)
James J. Butcher
Dead Man’s Hand (28 December 2022)
Long Past Dues (7 February 2024)
Howard Buten
Through the Glass Wall: Journeys Into the Closed-Off Worlds of the Autistic (28 November 2003)
Stephanie Butland
The Lost for Words Bookshop (20 June 2022)
Octavia Butler
Clay’s Ark (22 September 2002)
Mary Cable
Black Odyssey (8 July 2002)
Tim Cahill
Pass the Butterworms (12 August 2016)
Ian Caldwell
The Rule of Four (6 September 2004)
Tara Calishain
Web Search Garage (4 February 2005)
John Callahan
Will the Real John Callahan Please Stand Up? (29 January 2006)
Eddie Campbell
After the Snooter (9 April 2004)
The Black Diamond Detective Agency (26 August 2012)
Stu Campbell
The Underground House Book (17 January 2011)
Hayley Campbell
All the Living and the Dead (29 December 2022)
Michael Canfield
Field Notes on Science & Nature (13 August 2017)
Edgar Cantero
This Body’s Not Big Enough for Both of Us (17 July 2019)
Norman Cantor
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made (30 September 2002)
Alberto Capatti
The Squash: History, Folklore, Ancient Recipes (3 March 2016)
Janette Caputo
The Assertive Librarian (30 March 2002)
Michael Capuzzo
The Murder Room (24 July 2012)
M. R. Carey
Infinity Gate (24 May 2023)
Scott Carney
Josephine Carr
The Dewey Decimal System of Love (29 October 2003)
Caleb Carr
The Italian Secretary (16 July 2008)
Killing Time (15 May 2005)
Surrender New York (6 September 2021)
Jennifer Carrell
The Speckled Monster (10 September 2010)
Rebecca Carroll
Sugar in the Raw (12 March 2014)
Emily Carroll
Through the Woods (17 November 2017)
Michael Cart, ed.
In the Stacks: Short Stories about Libraries and Librarians (14 June 2002)
Stephen Carter
The Emperor of Ocean Park (10 March 2017)
Jericho’s Fall (24 August 2018)
New England White (10 August 2018)
W. Hodding Carter
Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization (8 October 2022)
James Carville
Had Enough?: A Handbook for Fighting Back (1 June 2004)
Tim Caulfield
The Cure for Everything (24 June 2012)
Michael Chabon
The Yiddish Policemen’s Union (14 November 2019)
Deb Chachra
How Infrastructure Works (6 January 2024)
Paul Chadwick
The Complete Concrete (6 August 2007)
Depths (21 August 2008)
Heights (21 August 2008)
David Chadwick
Thank you and OK (3 April 2017)
Becky Chambers
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within (16 March 2021)
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (5 May 2018)
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy (4 September 2022)
A Psalm for the Wild-Built (7 September 2021)
Record of a Spaceborn Few (30 August 2018)
To Be Taught, If Fortunate (8 February 2020)
Nidhi Chanani
Pashmina (24 February 2019)
Dan Chaon
Await Your Reply (27 November 2019)
Sleepwalk (13 June 2022)
Janet Skeslien Charles
The Paris Library (7 August 2021)
Noah Charney
The Art Thief (27 August 2021)
Georges Charpak
Debunked! ESP, Telekinesis, and Other Pseudoscience (23 September 2004)
Roz Chast
The Best American Comics 2016 (16 November 2017)
Going into Town: A Love Letter to New York (16 July 2018)
David Chelsea
David Chelsea in Love (27 October 2004)
Mike Chen
A Quantum Love Story (17 February 2024)
We Could Be Heroes (23 February 2021)
K. Chess
Famous Men Who Never Lived (12 February 2020)
Ted Chiang
Exhalation: Stories (4 July 2019)
Joe Chiappetta
Silly Daddy (20 October 2004)
NA Chihoi
The Library (10 May 2017)
Lee Child, Ed.
Killer Year: Stories to Die For. (22 May 2014)
Svetlana Chmakova
Awkward (25 May 2019)
Brave (8 April 2019)
Crush (17 May 2019)
Elaine Cho
Ocean’s Godori (11 June 2024)
Noam Chomsky
The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (6 January 2002)
Nino Cipri
Defekt (26 May 2021)
Finna (14 June 2020)
Joe Citro
The Gore (3 December 2010)
Passing Strange : True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors (5 December 2017)
The Vermont Monster Guide (9 April 2012)
Diana Claitor
Outlaws, Mobsters and Murderers (22 August 2016)
Tom Clancy (9 September 2005)
Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (28 July 2016)
Ernest Cline
Armada (27 December 2015)
Ready Player One (28 January 2014)
Ready Player Two (1 December 2020)
Hillary Rodham Clinton
State of Terror (27 February 2022)
Dan Clowes
Like A Velvet Glove Cast in Iron (6 January 2002)
J.M. Coetzee
Disgrace (23 September 2002)
Elizabeth Costello (8 June 2007)
William Sloane Coffin
The Heart is a Little to the Left (23 October 2007)
Patricia Cline Cohen
A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America (26 October 2013)
Jonathan Cole
Still Lives: Narratives of Spinal Cord Injury (24 November 2003)
Tom Cole
Hell West and Crooked (8 December 2004)
Arthur Cole
The Charming Idioms of New England (4 February 2005)
Dark Star Collective
Quiet Rumors: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader (16 March 2003)
Paul Collins
Sixpence House (4 February 2004)
Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire (28 June 2012)
The Hunger Games (25 June 2012)
Mockingjay (28 June 2012)
Stephen Collins
The Gigantic Beard that was Evil (19 June 2018)
Beach Conger
Bag Balm and Duct Tape (30 November 2002)
Darby Conley
Groovitude: A Get Fuzzy Treasury (9 April 2012)
Michael Connelly
Chasing the Dime (19 September 2005)
The Lincoln Lawyer (2 November 2006)
Lost Light (2 February 2006)
The Narrows (27 January 2006)
Trunk Music (14 May 2006)
Susan Conner
Science’s Most Wanted (5 November 2006)
Hari Conner
I Shall Never Fall in Love (22 January 2025)
Richard Conniff
Swimming with the Piranhas at Feeding Time (10 September 2013)
Ted Conover
Rolling Nowhere: Riding the Rails with America’s Hoboes (28 May 2002)
Martha Cooley
The Archivist: A Novel (1 January 2012)
David Cordingly
Women Sailors & Sailors' Women (9 October 2002)
James S. A. Corey
Abaddon’s Gate (8 April 2019)
Babylon’s Ashes (2 May 2019)
Caliban’s War (27 February 2019)
Cibola Burn (15 April 2019)
Leviathan Falls (10 December 2021)
Leviathan Wakes (6 February 2019)
Nemesis Games (24 April 2019)
Persepolis Rising (9 May 2019)
Tiamat’s Wrath (25 May 2019)
Anne Corlett
The Space Between the Stars (28 July 2017)
Patricia Cornwell
All That Remains (28 January 2004)
Blow Fly (15 March 2004)
Cruel & Unusual (26 December 2003)
From Potter’s Field (3 January 2004)
The Last Precinct (12 August 2002)
Unnatural Exposure (18 August 2002)
Mark Costello
Bag Men (25 May 2006)
Colin Cotterill
The Motion Picture Teller (9 July 2023)
Philippe Coudray
Benjamin Bear in Bright Ideas (21 May 2015)
Dorothy Ayers Counts
Over the Next Hill: An Ethnography of RVing Seniors in North America (14 December 2009)
Henry Coutts
Library Jokes and Jottings (16 May 2002)
Jacob Covey
Beasts! Book 1 (7 May 2016)
George Covington
Access by Design (12 October 2005)
Lynne Cox
Swimming to Antarctica (24 March 2007)
Peter Coyote
Tongue of a Crow (29 December 2021)
Molly Crabapple
Scarlett Takes Manhattan (26 August 2010)
Jim Crace
The Gift of Stones (7 April 2022)
Jerry Craft
Class Act (12 August 2021)
The New Kid (5 August 2019)
Thompson Craig
Robert Crais
LA Requiem (27 July 2003)
Nuno Crato
Figuring it Out (30 September 2011)
Thomas Craughwell
Stealing Lincoln’s Body (12 August 2015)
Michael Crichton
Prey (5 March 2006)
A Case of Need (20 January 2004)
The Lost World (18 December 2004)
Timeline (20 June 2004)
Joanne Cripps
Quiet Journey: Understanding the Rights of Deaf Children (13 July 2003)
Justin Cronin
The Passage (17 August 2011)
Blake Crouch
Dark Matter (26 January 2018)
Recursion (27 June 2019)
Upgrade (8 December 2022)
John Crowley
Engine Summer (6 August 2011)
Michael Crummey
Galore (23 September 2016)
Sweetland (30 August 2016)
Howard Cruse
Stuck Rubber Baby (7 May 2003)
John Cummings
Murder, Manslaughter, and Mayhem on the SouthCoast (29 June 2018)
Grace Curtis
Floating Hotel (19 May 2024)
Lincoln Cushing
Julie Czerneda
To Each This World (16 February 2023)
Amy Dacyczyn
The Complete Tightwad Gazette (9 October 2002)
Laura Kate Dale
Gender Euphoria (20 August 2022)
Yvonne Daley
Going up the Country (31 March 2020)
Kate Daloz
Ezra Claytan Daniels
Upgrade Soul (23 March 2019)
Charles Davidson
Eleanor Davis
The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook (5 May 2015)
Tom Davis
Thirty-Nine Years of Short-Term Memory Loss (5 May 2016)
Margaret Leslie Davis
The Lost Gutenberg (10 August 2019)
KC Davis
How to Keep House While Drowning (13 April 2023)
Matthew De Abaitua
If Then (24 July 2016)
Nicolas De Crecy
Salvatore 1: Transports of Love (11 September 2015)
Andrea Dean
Rural Studio: Samuel Mockbee and an Architecture of Decency (15 January 2006)
Jeffrey Deaver
Broken Window (13 January 2015)
The Stone Monkey (17 August 2002)
Shawn Decker
My Pet Virus: The True Story of a Rebel Without a Cure (31 July 2014)
Guy Delisle
Factory Summers (11 February 2023)
Jerusalem: Chronicles from the Holy City (25 July 2021)
Pyongyang (5 August 2021)
A User’s Guide to Neglectful Parenting (22 December 2015)
Blue Delliquanti
Across a Field of Starlight (3 January 2023)
JM DeMatteis
Brooklyn Dreams (22 September 2004)
Nelson DeMille
Wild Fire (19 October 2010)
Christopher DeNoon
Posters of the WPA (4 November 2002)
Robert Desowitz
New Guinea Tapeworms & Jewish Grandmothers (20 April 2002)
P. T. Deutermann
Zero Option (5 February 2009)
Barry Deutsch
Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword (5 May 2015)
Emily Devenport
Medusa Uploaded (16 January 2020)
Rusty Dewees
Scrawlins (23 January 2019)
Patrick deWitt
The Librarianist (25 July 2023)
Andrew Deyoung
The Temps (4 May 2022)
Junot Diaz
The Best American Short Stories 2016 (24 January 2018)
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (4 December 2013)
Hernan Diaz
Trust (11 July 2022)
Carola Dibbell
The Only Ones (27 January 2025)
Philip K. Dick
Dr Bloodmoney (31 May 2002)
Galactic Pot-Healer (27 August 2006)
Ubik (29 April 2002)
Colin Dickey
Cranioklepty: Grave Robbing and the Search for Genius (21 March 2016)
Tiffanie DiDonato
Dwarf: A Memoir (30 April 2014)
Matthew Diffee
The Best of the Rejection Collection (15 August 2017)
Nyle DiMarco
Deaf Utopia (2 November 2023)
Raymond Ditmars
Strange Animals I Have Known (3 February 2025)
S. B. Divya
Loka (25 December 2024)
Machinehood (14 May 2023)
Meru (6 July 2023)
Counterweight (29 July 2023)
Cory Doctorow
Content (28 October 2008)
In Real Life (2 April 2015)
Little Brother (30 June 2008)
Makers (10 October 2015)
Attack Surface (21 November 2020)
Eastern Standard Tribe (13 July 2004)
Red Team Blues (19 July 2023)
Walkaway (24 September 2018)
Willard Dodge
Legends of Caltech (17 February 2009)
Norman Doidge
The Brain that Changes Itself (15 April 2013)
Paul Doiron
The Poacher’s Son (20 September 2024)
Gene Doucette
Apocalypse Seven (2 August 2021)
The Frequency of Aliens (3 October 2021)
The Spaceship Next Door (23 September 2021)
Caitlin Doughty
From Here to Eternity (5 January 2018)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: And Other Lessons from the Crematory (20 January 2015)
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs (1 August 2019)
Scott Douglas
Quiet, Please: Dispatches from a Public Librarian (30 January 2008)
Gardner Dozois
Worldmakers: SF adventures in terraforming (18 April 2011)
Rachel Dratsh
Alice Dreger
One of Us: Conjoined Twins and the Future of Normal (22 August 2013)
Claudia Dreifus
Scientific Conversations (28 July 2017)
Gail Dubrow
Sento at Sixth and Main (13 April 2003)
Firoozeh Dumas
Funny in Farsi (30 September 2017)
David james Duncan
The Brothers K (24 August 2003)
A. J. Dungo
In Waves (24 October 2019)
John Dunning
Booked to Die (21 October 2002)
The Bookman’s Last Fling (28 June 2007)
The Bookman’s Promise (10 June 2004)
The Bookman’s Wake (16 November 2002)
Deadline (13 September 2014)
The Sign of the Book (4 March 2005)
Elodie Durand
Transitions (14 December 2024)
Gerald Durrell
My Family and Other Animals (23 February 2011)
Sara Beth Durst
The Spellshop (31 August 2024)
Talia Dutton
M Is For Monster (17 February 2023)
Elyssa East
Dogtown: Death and Enchantment in a New England Ghost Town (28 June 2017)
David Ebenbach
How To Mars (10 July 2021)
Mark Eberhart
Jonathan Edlow
Bull’s Eye (15 December 2020)
Selden Edwards
The Little Book: A Novel (30 April 2018)
Timothy Egan
The Big Burn (13 April 2019)
The Worst Hard Time (9 September 2007)
Dave Eggers, Ed.
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2004 (19 April 2005)
Barbara Ehrenreich
Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness (19 August 2002)
Nickle and Dimed (29 August 2002)
Gretel Ehrlich
This Cold Heaven: Seven Seasons in Greenland (2 December 2003)
Wil Eisner
The Contract With God Trilogy (7 May 2023)
Amal El-Mohtar
This Is How You Lose the Time War (2 March 2020)
George Elbert
Fun With Terrarium Gardening (28 March 2011)
Tim Eldred
Grease Monkey (29 July 2010)
Jordan Ellenberg
How Not To Be Wrong (12 October 2015)
P.T. Elliott
Cracker Ingenuity (17 July 2012)
Warren Ellis
Crooked Little Vein (31 May 2017)
Greg Emmanuel
Extreme Encounters (23 June 2009)
Corwin Ericson
Swell (17 May 2017)
Carol Eron
The Virus that Ate Cannibals (30 September 2002)
Samantha Ettus, Ed.
The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do (25 September 2005)
Virginia Eubanks
Jeffrey Eugenides
Middlesex (19 October 2004)
Mark Evanier
Bernadine Evaristo
Girl, Woman, Other (12 June 2020)
Linda Fairstein
Likely to Die (14 March 2007)
Christopher Farnsworth
Flashmob (20 October 2022)
Gael Fashingbauer Cooper
Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops? (18 June 2011)
Jon Fasman
The Geographer’s Library (19 March 2007)
Kim Fay
The map of lost memories (30 April 2016)
Craig Ferguson
American On Purpose (3 March 2013)
Emil Ferris
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters Vol. 1 (6 November 2018)
Jonathan Fetter-Vorm
Battle Lines: A Graphic History of the Civil War (3 April 2018)
Cordelia Fine
Delusions of Gender (15 April 2016)
Bob Fingerman
Beg the Question (22 July 2004)
Michael Finkel
The Art Thief (18 February 2024)
Mike Finn
Isaac Fitzgerald
Dirtbag Massachusetts (9 August 2022)
Matthew Fitzsimmons
Constance (16 November 2021)
Judith Flanders
A Place for Everything (5 November 2020)
Jared Florance
The Copper Axe (28 October 2018)
Joshua Foer
Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything (19 September 2014)
Heath Fogg Davis
Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? (9 June 2018)
Ken Follett
Code to Zero (18 July 2007)
John M. Ford
Growing Up Weightless (15 March 2023)
Ellen Forney
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me (9 October 2016)
Don Foster
Author Unknown (5 February 2002)
Sesshu Foster
Alan Dean Foster
Relic (6 June 2023)
Nev Fountain
The Fan Who Knew Too Much (27 August 2024)
Dick Francis
Second Wind (13 January 2009)
Thomas Frank
One Market Under God (3 June 2003)
Al Franken
Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them (31 October 2003)
Jonathan Franzen
Strong Motion (17 June 2006)
The Corrections (8 December 2004)
How to Be Alone (6 September 2004)
Dolly Freed
Castle Freeman
All That I Have (14 March 2011)
Tana French
In The Woods (7 March 2010)
Broken Harbor (30 October 2014)
Faithful Place (25 May 2011)
The Hunter (1 April 2024)
The Likeness (16 May 2011)
The Searcher (22 June 2021)
The Secret Place (7 November 2014)
The Trespasser (17 November 2016)
The Witch Elm (22 February 2019)
Stephen Frey
The Day Trader (19 March 2009)
Emily Fridlund
History of Wolves (5 November 2018)
Pete Friedrich
Roadstrips: A Graphic Journey Across America (1 August 2011)
Kenny Fries
David Frost
David Frost’s Book of the World’s Worst Decisions (6 August 2002)
Kim Fu
Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century (9 March 2022)
Chelsea Furedi
Project Nought (30 July 2023)
Jim Gaffigan
Dad is Fat (13 May 2013)
Neil Gaiman
American Gods (9 June 2005)
Norse Mythology (16 January 2018)
Ernest Gaines
A Gathering of Old Men (3 February 2009)
Nancy Gallagher
Breeding Better Vermonters: The Eugenics Program in the Green Mountain State (19 November 2002)
Elaine Gallagher
Unexploded Remnants (9 August 2024)
David Gantz
Jews in America: A Cartoon History (10 May 2020)
Cheryl Ganz
Every Stamp Tells a Story (6 January 2017)
Laura Gao
Messy Roots (12 June 2023)
Santiago Garcia
Spanish Fever (14 October 2016)
Martin Gardner
Aha! Gotcha: Paradoxes to Puzzle and Delight (10 July 2015)
Whitney Gardner
Fake Blood (6 January 2019)
John Gardner
Moriarty (23 March 2020)
Simon Garfield
Mauve (24 May 2024)
Timekeepers: How the World Became Obsessed With Time (18 December 2017)
Anthony Gargano
NFL Unplugged (16 December 2013)
Tom Gauld
Mooncop (15 October 2016)
Atul Gawande
Better (17 April 2008)
Complications (15 March 2003)
Peter Gellatly, Ed.
Sex Magazines in the Library Collection (18 May 2002)
Woody Gelman
Disaster: Illustrated 200 Years of American Misfortune (4 July 2016)
John Geluardi
Cannabiz: The Explosive Rise of the Medical Marijuana Industry (31 August 2011)
Keum Suk Gendry-Kim
The Naked Tree (17 November 2023)
Nicole Georges
Fetch: How a Bad Dog Brought Me Home (20 August 2019)
Tess Gerritsen
Bloodstream (13 April 2006)
Harvest (21 May 2006)
Gravity (16 March 2006)
The Keepsake (30 October 2013)
The Sinnner (23 September 2006)
Vanish (12 March 2007)
Eric Gertler
Prying Eyes (27 September 2004)
Malaka Gharib
I Was Their American Dream (6 July 2021)
Yossi Ghinsberg
Lost in the Jungle (16 April 2018)
William Gibson
Zero History (30 October 2011)
Agency (15 March 2020)
All Tomorrow’s Parties (11 January 2002)
Burning Chrome (20 April 2002)
Difference Engine (20 April 2002)
Pattern Recognition (13 November 2002)
The Peripheral (18 November 2014)
Spook Country (15 December 2010)
Virtual Light (16 March 2002)
Steven Gilbar
The Open Door: When Writers First Learned to Read (27 July 2002)
Elizabeth Gilbert
City of Girls (14 September 2019)
Penn Gillette
Sock (12 March 2005)
JS Carter Gilson
The Languid Belly of the Beast (30 September 2020)
The Loneliness of the Deep Space Cargoist (20 September 2020)
Mark Giminez
The Colour of Law (18 September 2017)
Melissa Gira Grant
Playing the Whore (29 April 2018)
Haben Girma
Haben, the Deafblind woman who conquered Harvard Law (4 June 2020)
Max Gladstone
Last Exit (27 March 2022)
Malcolm Gladwell
Blink (11 May 2006)
Kate Glasheen
Constellations (20 January 2025)
Sarah Glidden
Rolling Blackouts: Dispatches from Turkey, Syria, and Iraq (6 March 2019)
Sophia Glock
Passport (2 December 2022)
Phoebe Gloeckner
Best American Comics 2018 (5 April 2020)
Molly Gloss
Wild Life (2 July 2014)
The Dazzle of Day (3 August 2019)
The Hearts of Horses (27 September 2019)
Unforeseen (25 August 2019)
Ben Goldacre
Bad Science (12 July 2011)
Whoopi Goldberg
William Goldman
Marathon Man (11 September 2002)
Nancy and Lawrence Goldstone
Slightly Chipped: Footnotes in Booklore (5 August 2018)
Laurence Gonzales
Deep Survival (17 May 2009)
Xochitl Gonzalez
Anita De Monte Laughs Last (8 July 2024)
Allegra Goodman
Intuition (15 January 2025)
Annette Gordon-Reed
On Juneteenth (26 April 2022)
Michael Gorman
Our Singular Strengths: Meditations for Librarians (12 August 2002)
James Gorman
The Man with No Endorphins (12 November 2021)
Vivian Gornick
The Odd Woman and the City (6 October 2020)
Jim Gownley
The Dumbest Idea Ever! (23 May 2014)
Chris Grabenstein
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (25 July 2018)
Eric Graeber
Magic and Madness in the Library (7 January 2003)
Sue Grafton
Q is for Quarry, P is for Peril, O is for Outlaw (8 August 2003)
R is for Ricochet (28 September 2008)
Alex Graham
Dog Biscuits (15 July 2022)
Holly Gramazio
The Husbands (31 January 2025)
Sara Gran
Claire DeWitt and the Bohemian Highway (17 December 2019)
Claire DeWitt and the City of the Dead (11 December 2019)
The Infinite Blacktop (25 December 2019)
Temple Grandin
Animals in Translation (11 March 2005)
Thinking in Pictures (1 September 2003)
David Grann
The Devil and Sherlock Holmes (13 January 2014)
Alex Graudins
Improve (10 December 2022)
Paul Gravett
Holy Sh*t!: The World’s Weirdest Comic Books (4 July 2014)
Ed Gray
Left in the Wind: A Novel of the Lost Colony (17 December 2019)
Isabel Greenberg
The Encyclopedia of Early Earth: A Novel (25 March 2017)
The One Hundred Nights of Hero (2 May 2017)
Young Hag and the Witches' Quest (7 November 2024)
David Greenberger
No More Shaves (2 May 2004)
Jeff Greenwald
Scratching the Surface (22 June 2016)
Andrew Sean Greer
Less (29 September 2018)
Daryl Gregory
Spoonbenders (10 May 2017)
Morna Gregory
Toilets of the World (11 January 2019)
Nicola Griffith
Ammonite (17 October 2016)
Elly Griffiths
The Crossing Places (12 April 2024)
John Grisham
The Chamber (13 October 2004)
King of Torts (29 April 2005)
The Summons (11 March 2005)
The Testament (14 December 2004)
Andrew Gross
The Dark Tide (22 December 2013)
Don’t Look Twice (28 December 2013)
Eyes Wide Open (12 July 2015)
One Mile Under (23 July 2015)
Reckless (21 February 2014)
Lev Grossman
Codex (14 February 2004)
The Magicians (18 June 2011)
Austin Grossman
Fight Me (28 June 2024)
Soon I will Be Invincible (3 February 2014)
You (20 February 2014)
Emma Grove
The Third Person (12 March 2024)
Michael Gruber
The Book of Air and Shadows (24 February 2009)
Sara Gruen
Water for Elephants (31 August 2017)
Paula Guran
New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird (15 August 2017)
Robin Ha
Almost American Girl (23 April 2023)
Barbara Haber
From Hardtack to Homefries: An Uncommon History of American Cooks and Meals (4 September 2002)
Helon Habila
Oil on Water (8 May 2016)
Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (27 November 2004)
Chris Hadfield
The Apollo Murders (26 November 2021)
Chris Hadsel
Deborah Halber
The Skeleton Crew: How Amateur Sleuths Are Solving America’s Coldest Cases (31 December 2014)
Joe Haldeman
Forever Free (21 October 2006)
The Accidental Time Machine (11 January 2017)
Forever Peace (9 January 2003)
Nathan Hale
The Mighty Bite (6 June 2024)
Sarah Hall
Electric Michaelangelo (10 October 2015)
Tarquin Hall
The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing (9 August 2022)
The Case of the Missing Servant (2 August 2022)
Janice Hallett
The Twyford Code (1 April 2023)
Edward Hallowell
Driven to Distraction (22 July 2003)
Sue Halpern
Four Wings and a Prayer (24 February 2007)
Summer Hours at the Robbers Library (23 September 2017)
John Maxwell Hamilton
Casanova Was a Book Lover (22 September 2002)
Allan Hamilton
The Scalpel and the Soul (24 October 2011)
Emily Hamilton
The Stars Too Fondly (22 July 2024)
Joshua Hammer
The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu (1 February 2020)
Josh Hanagarne
The World’s Strongest Librarian (23 April 2016)
Lewis Hancox
Escape from St. Hell (14 July 2024)
Welcome to St. Hell (6 March 2024)
Gary Handman
Bibliotoons (12 August 2002)
Helene Hanff
84 Charing Cross Road (21 May 2010)
Paul Harding
Tinkers (20 December 2010)
Frances Hardinge
Unraveller (12 September 2024)
Nick Harkaway
Gnomon: A novel (24 June 2018)
Tigerman (27 August 2023)
Titanium Noir (15 July 2023)
James Harkin
The Book of the Year 2018 (22 February 2020)
Kenn Harper
Give Me My Father’s Body: The Life of Minik, the New York Eskimo (31 January 2014)
Jonathan Harr
The Lost Painting: The Quest for a Caravaggio Masterpiece (20 August 2018)
Daniel Harris
Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic (29 June 2003)
Tamara Winfrey Harris
Eddy Harris
Mississippi Solo: A River Quest (9 March 2021)
Lis Harris
Holy Days: The World of the Hasidic Family (12 December 2022)
Lee Harrisberger
Engineersmanship, A Philosophy of Design (18 April 2007)
Stephen Harrison
The Editors (3 July 2024)
Margot Harrison
The Midnight Club (3 January 2025)
Alix Harrow
The Once and Future Witches (9 December 2020)
Starling House (29 December 2023)
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (3 December 2019)
Matthew Hart
The Irish Game: A True Story of Crime and Art (10 February 2010)
Rob Hart
The Paradox Hotel (20 March 2022)
The Warehouse (29 March 2022)
John Harwood
The Ghost Writer (8 July 2005)
Molly Haskell
My Brother, My Sister (27 June 2014)
Adam Haslett
You Are Not a Stranger Here (22 July 2010)
Ralph Hassig
The Hidden People of North Korea: Everyday Life in the Hermit Kingdom (9 September 2017)
S. Hati
And the Sky Bled (14 February 2025)
Ben Hatke
Zita the Spacegirl (30 June 2014)
Scott Hawkins
The Library at Mount Char (19 November 2015)
George Hayduke
Get Even: The complete book of dirty tricks (22 January 2005)
Terry Hayes
I Am Pilgrim (28 May 2014)
Leah Hayes
Not Funny Ha-Ha: A handbook for something hard (29 May 2016)
G. W. Helfrich
Lost Bar Harbor (17 August 2011)
Sharon Heller
Peter Heller
The Dog Stars (29 December 2021)
D. C. Helmuth
Lonely Planet Hidden Libraries (28 December 2024)
Mark Helprin
In Sunlight and In Shadow (3 November 2022)
Harmon Hemericks
The Last of the Bush Pilots (7 March 2010)
Susan Hempel
The Inheritor’s Powder (27 May 2017)
Gordon Hempton
One Square Inch of Silence (2 October 2009)
Bill Henderson
Minutes of the Lead Pencil Club (22 September 2002)
David Henkin
Emily Henry
Book Lovers (10 June 2022)
People We Meet on Vacation (24 December 2021)
Andre Henry
All the White Friends I Couldn’t Keep (12 August 2022)
Frank Herbert
Dune (16 April 2022)
Brian Herbert
Dune: The Graphic Novel, Book 1 (2 May 2022)
Prisoners of the Sun (17 February 2014)
The Seven Crystal Balls (12 August 2013)
Edward Herman
The Myth Of The Liberal Media (6 June 2002)
Gilbert Hernandez
Chance in Hell (19 July 2011)
Sloth (12 July 2011)
Herman Herst
Put A Stamp On It (26 September 2016)
Al Hess
World Running Down (19 April 2023)
Carl Hiaasen
Tourist Season (20 January 2004)
Faith Erin Hicks
Friends with Boys (31 August 2014)
Hockey Girl Loves Drama Boy (17 December 2023)
Pumpkinheads (4 September 2020)
Chanrithy Him
When Broken Glass Floats: Growing Up Under the Khmer Rouge (27 August 2018)
Pekka Himanen
Hacker Ethic (30 March 2002)
Naomi Hirahara
An Eternal Lei (2 July 2022)
Gasa-Gasa Girl (1 March 2024)
Iced in Paradise (8 June 2022)
Summer of the Big Bachi (9 March 2024)
Karen Hirsch
Mind Riot (9 April 2004)
Alfred Hitchcock, ed.
Stories Not for the Nervous (9 July 2005)
Barbara Hodgson
In the Arms of Morpheus (17 August 2002)
Nina Hoffman
A Stir of Bones (10 April 2005)
Paul Hoffman
Archimedes' Revenge: The Joys and Perils of Mathematics (18 April 2011)
David Hoffman
Who Knew? Things you didn’t know about things you know well. (31 July 2013)
Ada Hoffman
The Fallen (27 October 2021)
The Outside (19 August 2021)
Garry Hogg
The Hovercraft Story (20 June 2014)
Jacqueline Holland
The God of Endings (9 April 2023)
Debi Holmes-Binney
Desert Sojourn: A Woman’s Forty Days and Nights Alone (27 June 2014)
Adrian Hon
Gail Honeyman
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine (6 November 2019)
Nick Hornby
Fever Pitch (13 February 2005)
High Fidelity (6 June 2002)
Dylan Horrocks
Hicksville (16 December 2007)
Simon Houpt
Museum of the Missing: A History of Art Theft (10 August 2007)
Susan Howatch
Ultimate Prizes (21 November 2003)
Michael Howell
The True History of the Elephant Man (19 June 2012)
Katelyn Monroe Howes
The Awoken (10 October 2022)
Hugh Howey
Across the Sand (9 January 2023)
Sand (4 January 2023)
Shift (3 March 2016)
Wool Omnibus (30 January 2016)
Sue Hubbell
A Book of Bees (14 November 2004)
T. L. Huchu
The Library of the Dead (11 March 2022)
Our Lady of Mysterious Ailments (8 January 2025)
William Henry Hudson
The Purple Land (22 May 2016)
Kiku Hughes
Displacement (7 July 2021)
John Hull
Touching the Rock: An Experience of Blindness (2 November 2021)
Samantha Hunt
The Seas (20 October 2016)
Taran Hunt
The Immortality Thief (30 November 2022)
Charlie Huston
Skinner (18 October 2014)
Catchpenny (16 May 2024)
Dave Hutchinson
Cold Water (11 March 2023)
Jung-eun Hwang
One Hundred Shadows (23 October 2024)
Miles Hyman
Peter Høeg
Borderliners (27 August 2014)
Tales of the Night (10 February 2007)
Joe Ide
IQ (1 October 2024)
Greg Iles
Blood Memory (9 January 2007)
24 Hours (13 May 2007)
Dead Sleep (6 October 2005)
The Footprints of God (8 May 2005)
Sleep No More (8 October 2005)
Turning Angel (27 July 2006)
Jay Ingram
The Science of Everyday Life (1 August 2002)
Matthew Inman
The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distances (28 February 2017)
Ryan Inzana
Ichiro (23 August 2019)
Masaji Ishikawa
A River in Darkness: One Man’s Escape from North Korea (13 November 2018)
Ian Jack
The Granta Book of Travel (17 September 2009)
Shirley Jackson
The Bird’s Nest (29 September 2017)
Raising Demons (24 February 2007)
Donald Jackson
Life Inside a Shell (30 August 2014)
Donald Jackson
Mira Jacob
Good Talk (5 February 2020)
Benjamin Jacobs
The Dentist of Auschwitz (18 September 2002)
Jane Jacobs
A Schoolteacher in Old Alaska: The Story of Hannah Breece (2 January 2007)
Nova Jacobs
The Stars Turned Inside Out (3 May 2024)
Tania James
Atlas of Unknowns (14 October 2018)
Ken Janes
Life List, Field Notes of a Maine Birdwatcher (29 September 2020)
Rhoda Janzen
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress (27 June 2024)
Peter Jenkins
A Walk Across America (15 February 2005)
Jessica Jenkins
Encyclopedia of the Exquisite (7 November 2011)
Ken Jennings
Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks (26 February 2018)
Planet Funny (26 January 2019)
Morgan Jerkins
This Will Be My Undoing (7 July 2018)
Hao Jingfang
Vagabonds (22 June 2020)
Catherine Jinks
Genius Squad (13 December 2009)
Evil Genius (26 August 2009)
Genius Wars (24 October 2010)
Dean Jobb
Empire of Deception (28 January 2024)
Alejandro Jodorowsky
The Incal (20 August 2018)
Marilyn Johnson
The Dead Beat (4 August 2010)
Sylvia Johnson
Mosses (9 January 2012)
Dwayne Johnson
The Rock Says... (6 November 2017)
Victoria Johnson
American Eden (24 September 2020)
Micaiah Johnson
The Space Between Worlds (1 March 2021)
Those Beyond the Wall (21 April 2024)
Stephanie Johnson
Tanqueray (30 August 2022)
Gwyneth Jones
Life (17 March 2005)
Gerard Jones
Men Of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book (12 January 2007)
Tennessee Jones
Deliver Me From Nowhere (19 May 2012)
Stan Jones
The Big Empty (5 August 2022)
Frozen Sun (27 July 2022)
Ghost Light (16 August 2022)
Shaman Pass (22 July 2022)
Tundra Kill (30 July 2022)
Village of the Ghost Bears (27 July 2022)
White Sky, Black Ice (20 July 2022)
Jill Jonnes
Empires of Light (21 August 2023)
Hillary Jordan
When She Woke (17 December 2014)
Sebastian Junger
Tribe (30 June 2017)
Tony Juniper
Spix’s Macaw (7 March 2010)
Andrea Juno
Dangerous Drawings (9 March 2002)
Eva Jurczyk
The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections (12 August 2023)
Jane Juska
A Round-Heeled Woman (4 May 2004)
Norton Juster
The Phantom Tollbooth (5 February 2014)
Lloyd Kahn, et al
The Septic System Owners Manual (27 September 2002)
Michio Kaku
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2020 (25 October 2021)
Daniel Kalder
Lost Cosmonaut: Observations of an Anti-Tourist (14 July 2014)
Mindy Kaling
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) (4 August 2014)
Mildred Armstrong Kalish
Little Heathens (15 April 2022)
Kenneth Kamler
Robert Kaplan
The Nothing That Is (5 February 2002)
Ben Katchor
Best American Comics 2017 (17 April 2020)
Gregory Katsoulis
Access Restricted (6 July 2018)
All Rights Reserved (24 April 2017)
Jason Adam Katzenstein
Everything Is an Emergency (2 February 2023)
Kenn Kaufman
Kingbird Highway (14 October 2011)
A Season on the Wind (1 September 2019)
Miriam Kaufman et al.
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability (12 June 2004)
Sam Kean
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2018 (28 February 2019)
Susanna Kearsley
Bellewether (13 August 2024)
Sam Keith, ed.
One Man’s Wilderness (2 October 2009)
Jonathan Kellerman
Evidence (9 August 2010)
Stuart Kells
The Library: A Catalogue of Wonders (28 May 2020)
Scott Kelly
Endurance (11 November 2017)
Angela Kelly
The Other Side of the Coin (2 July 2020)
Harry Kemelman
The Day the Rabbi Resigned (10 April 2022)
Friday the Rabbi Slept Late (22 February 2022)
Monday the Rabbi Took Off (5 March 2022)
One Fine Day the Rabbi Bought a Cross (2 April 2022)
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry (25 February 2022)
Someday the Rabbi Will Leave (31 March 2022)
Sunday the Rabbi Stayed Home (2 March 2022)
That Day the Rabbi Left Town (11 April 2022)
Thursday the Rabbi Walked Out (24 March 2022)
Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red (14 March 2022)
Christoper Kemp
Floating Gold: A Natural (and Unnatural) History of Ambergris (1 December 2020)
Christine Kenneally
The Invisible History of the Human Race (3 November 2024)
Pagan Kennedy
Platforms: A Microwaved Cultural Chronicle of the 1970s (23 January 2005)
James Kennedy
Dare to Know (1 February 2022)
Jonathan Kennedy
Pathogenesis, A History of the World in Eight Plagues (11 October 2024)
Jill Ker-Conway
The Road From Coorain (27 February 2015)
John Kessel
The Moon and the Other (23 April 2018)
Brad Kessler
Birds in Fall (18 January 2015)
Ro Khanna
Diginity in a Digital Age (7 September 2024)
Raymond Khoury
The Last Templar (23 April 2010)
Sue Kidd
The Secret Life of Bees (2 June 2005)
Un-Su Kim
The Cabinet (8 November 2021)
Margaret Kimball
And Now I Spill the Family Secrets (2 October 2023)
Brian Kimberling
Snapper (1 March 2014)
Laurie King
The Game (10 January 2013)
Jason Kingsley
Count Us In: Growing Up with Down Syndrome (13 January 2010)
Jeff Kinney
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (6 January 2014)
Rodrick Rules (13 February 2015)
Yume Kitasei
The Deep Sky (27 September 2023)
The Stardust Grail (31 July 2024)
Dennis Kitchen
Our smallest towns Big Falls, Blue Eye, Bonanza, & beyond (13 September 2017)
Judith Kitchen, ed.
In Short (22 December 2021)
Ellen Klages
The Green Glass Sea (3 July 2006)
Harold Klawans
Newton’s Madness (20 November 2021)
Georgina Kleege
Blind Rage: Letters to Helen Keller (14 May 2018)
William Klingaman
The Year Without Summer: 1918 (29 January 2021)
Lucy Knisley
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen (4 February 2014)
Kim Knott
Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction (5 January 2018)
Elizabeth Knox
The Absolute Book (6 February 2021)
Maia Kobabe
Breathe (18 July 2024)
Gender Queer (1 January 2023)
Tom Koch
The Wreck of the William Brown (14 June 2022)
James Kochalka
Pinky and Stinky (2 January 2016)
Carly Kocurek
Gina Kolata
Flu (26 February 2003)
Dean Koontz
Dragon Tears (21 July 2003)
Ted Kooser
Winter Morning Walks (22 February 2025)
Ed Koren
The Hard Work of Simple Living (14 May 2009)
Elizabeth Kostova
The Historian (24 February 2008)
The Shadow Land (29 January 2017)
Mary Robinette Kowal
The Calculating Stars (27 November 2018)
The Fated Sky (18 December 2018)
The Relentless Moon (29 July 2020)
The Spare Man (25 November 2022)
Jacqueline Koyanagi
Ascension (24 July 2019)
Markus Krajewski
Paper Machines (12 August 2019)
John Krakauer
Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith (13 October 2003)
Naomi Kritzer
Liberty’s Daughter (13 February 2024)
Ken Kroll
Enabling Romance: A Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships for the Disabled (22 November 2002)
Jarret Krosoczka
Hey, Kiddo (17 May 2019)
Sunshine (30 September 2024)
R. F. Kuang
Babel: An Arcane History (2 March 2023)
Yellowface (25 January 2024)
Joe Kubert
Carolyn Kuebler
Liquid, Fragile, Perishable (12 November 2024)
Otto Dov Kulka
Tuli Kupferberg
Teach Yourself Fucking (17 September 2013)
Michael Kupperman
Mark Twain’s Autobiography, 1910-2010 (8 November 2018)
Mark Kurlansky
1968 (18 April 2010)
The Basque History of the World (19 May 2003)
A Chosen Few: The Resurrection of European Jewry (6 January 2003)
The Food of a Younger Land (26 May 2009)
Milk! A 10,000 Year Food Fracas. (1 December 2024)
Robert Kurson
Allen Kurzweil
A Case of Curiosities (9 October 2002)
Amy Kurzweil
Artificial (8 June 2024)
Flying Couch (25 June 2021)
Stephen Kuusisto
Planet of the Blind: A Memoir (19 August 2002)
Robert Lacey
The Year 1000: What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennium (28 September 2003)
Emily Ladau
Demystifying Disability (1 May 2022)
David Lagercrantz
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (15 August 2016)
Jhumpa Lahiri
Unaccustomed Earth (28 April 2018)
Interpreter of Maladies (30 July 2014)
Whereabouts (29 November 2021)
Larissa Lai
The Tiger Flu (21 December 2018)
Joseph Lambert
I Will Bite You (16 March 2017)
Harry Lang
A Phone of Our Own: The Deaf Insurrection Against Ma Bell (30 September 2002)
William Langewiesche
The Outlaw Sea: A World of Freedom, Chaos, and Crime (27 September 2006)
J William Langston
The Case of the Frozen Addicts (17 April 2003)
Jaron Lanier
You Are Not a Gadget (8 January 2010)
Reif Larsen
The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet (29 August 2019)
Chris Larsgaard
The Heir Hunter (1 August 2004)
Erik Larson
Devil in the White City (22 January 2005)
Isaac’s Storm (12 October 2009)
Steig Larsson
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (10 September 2012)
The Girl Who Played with Fire (24 August 2012)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (24 August 2012)
Kathryn Lasky
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth (6 June 2002)
Town Boy (27 July 2011)
Mark Lawrence
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn (21 May 2024)
Kiese Laymon
How To Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America. (10 August 2021)
John le Carre
The Constant Gardener (21 August 2007)
Herve Le Tellier
The Anomaly (9 February 2022)
William Lebovich
Design for Dignity: Studies in Accessibility (4 October 2005)
S. A. Lechuk
Save Me From Dangerous Men (27 September 2021)
Ann Leckie
Ancillary Justice (8 March 2019)
Amanda Leduc
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space (26 April 2021)
Min Jin Lee
Free Food for Millionaires (25 July 2018)
Deb Lee
Wendy Leeds
Calm and Sense: A Woman’s Guide to Living Anxiety-free (1 September 2021)
In Limbo (22 January 2025)
Didier Lefèvre
Dennis Lehane
Shutter Island (19 March 2009)
Dick Lehr
Judgment Ridge (24 September 2010)
Cynthia Leibrock
Beautiful Barrier Free (12 October 2005)
Aileen Leijten
Lint Boy (23 August 2019)
John Leland
Stanislaw Lem
Solaris (15 May 2003)
Chrysanthi Leon
Donna Leon
Death at La Fenice (23 May 2021)
Death In A Strange Country (27 June 2021)
Dressed for Death (12 October 2021)
Eleanor Lerman
Radiomen (9 February 2024)
Armand Leroi
Mutants : On Genetic Variety and the Human Body (10 June 2006)
John Lescroart
The 13th Juror (21 March 2008)
A Certain Justice (10 November 2007)
Hard Evidence (1 January 2008)
The Hearing (31 July 2007)
The Hunt Club (14 March 2007)
The Second Chair (20 October 2007)
The Suspect (3 September 2007)
The Vig (28 December 2007)
Kate Leth
Mall Goth (7 February 2025)
Jonathan Lethem
Motherless Brooklyn (26 October 2013)
You Don’t Love Me Yet (28 May 2008)
Primo Levi
The Drowned and the Saved (9 August 2006)
The Periodic Table (27 February 2002)
David Levine
Arabella of Mars (31 March 2019)
Paul Levinson
Cellphone (19 July 2023)
The Pixel Eye (9 January 2020)
Steven Levitt
Freakonomics (1 May 2006)
Superfreakonomics (19 November 2010)
Richard Lewis
The Flame Tree (9 November 2004)
Thomas Lewis
A General Theory of Love (31 May 2008)
John Lewis
March: Book One (20 June 2018)
March: Book Three (20 June 2018)
March: Book Two (20 June 2018)
Run: Book One (1 August 2022)
Rachel Sharona Lewis
The Rabbi Who Prayed with Fire (23 April 2022)
Kat Leyh
Snapdragon (14 November 2020)
Thirsty Mermaids (1 October 2023)
Simone Lia
Please God, Find Me a Husband (10 May 2017)
Ann Liang
If You Could See The Sun (4 December 2022)
Effing Librarian
Perfunctorily, Me (16 August 2010)
Thomas Limoncelli
Time Management for System Administrators (9 June 2007)
Reeve Lindbergh
Two Lives (31 March 2019)
Eugene Linden
Kelly Link
Pretty Monsters (29 March 2009)
Andrew Liptak
Cosplay, A History (27 February 2023)
Cixin Liu
Supernova Era (16 February 2020)
The Three-Body Problem (22 March 2017)
Marjorie Liu
Monstress (7 October 2019)
Ken Liu
The Hidden Girl (2 April 2020)
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories (27 March 2020)
Malinda Lo
Last Night at the Telegraph Club (24 February 2025)
Laurie Loewenstein
Funeral Train (24 January 2023)
William Bryant Logan
Dirt (2 April 2024)
Lynda Cohen Loigman
The Wartime Sisters (25 April 2022)
Jesse Lonergan
All Star (9 February 2016)
Charles Long
How to Survive Without a Salary (12 October 2004)
John Long
The Dayhiker’s Handbook (8 March 2006)
Mark Long
The Silence of Our Friends (24 February 2019)
Paul Longmore
Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability (16 May 2013)
Paul Longmore, ed.
The New Disability History : American perspectives (13 November 2002)
Ben Loory
Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day (14 March 2012)
Andrea Lopez
When Raccoons Fall Through your Ceiling (22 September 2004)
Barry Lopez
River Notes: The Dance of the Herons (18 March 2019)
Karen Lord
The Best of All Possible Worlds (2 October 2023)
Marina Lostetter
Activation Degradation (7 October 2021)
Noumenon (6 February 2020)
James Lovegrove
Firefly - Big Damn Hero (30 November 2018)
Lezlie Lowe
No Place To Go: How Public Toilets Fail Our Private Needs (6 August 2018)
Elizabeth Lowell
Moving Target (29 July 2012)
Derick Lugo
The Unlikely Thru-Hiker (21 August 2021)
Jason Lutes
Houdini: The Handcuff King (22 February 2017)
Jar of Fools (24 March 2009)
Patrick Lynch
Omega (14 December 2004)
Thomas Lynch
The Undertaking (10 February 2024)
The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade (10 July 2012)
Thomas Lynch
Ling Ma
Severance (25 January 2019)
Robin MacArthur, ed.
Contemporary Vermont Fiction: An Anthology (9 January 2015)
Robert Macfarlane
The Lost Words (30 July 2019)
Underland: A Deep Time Journey (12 October 2019)
Josh Mack
The Hobo Handbook: A Field Guide to Living by Your Own Rules (10 November 2012)
Malcolm Mackay
How a Gunman Says Goodbye (9 February 2016)
The Necessary Death of Lewis Winter (14 January 2016)
The Sudden Arrival of Violence (15 February 2016)
Carolyn Mackler
The earth, my butt, and other big round things (10 July 2006)
Ken Macleod
Beyond the Hallowed Sky (30 May 2023)
Matt Madden
Odds Off (27 February 2002)
Justin Madson
Tin Man (19 November 2022)
Slate Magazine
The Explainer (22 August 2006)
Dale Maharidge
And Their Children After Them (1 March 2006)
Navied Mahdavian
This Country (22 February 2024)
Sarah Mai
Freshman Year (20 March 2024)
Ili Mais
St. Clair’s Blues (19 March 2020)
Caitlin Major
Manfried the Man (30 December 2018)
Michael Mammay
Generation Ship (18 November 2023)
Emily St. John Mandel
Sea of Tranquility (20 April 2022)
Howie Mandel
Here’s the Deal: Don’t Touch Me (10 December 2023)
Victor Manibo
Escape Velocity (1 July 2024)
The Sleepless (28 August 2022)
Bob Mankoff
How About Never - Is Never Good for You? (1 March 2018)
Thomas Mann
Sudden & Awful: American Epitaphs and the Finger of God (31 March 2004)
Charles Mann
1491 (16 December 2007)
Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (14 November 2017)
John Bemelmans Marciano
Whatever Happened to the Metric System? (5 December 2015)
Gary Marcus
Guitar Zero (21 July 2014)
Larry Marder
Beanworld Book 3: Remember Here When You Are There! (24 July 2012)
Beanworld Book 1: Wahoolazuma! (24 July 2012)
Beanworld Volume 2: A Gift Comes! (24 July 2012)
Bill Mares
I Could Hardly Keep from Laughing (14 November 2023)
Phillip Margolin
The Associate (3 July 2007)
Merrill Markoe
We Saw Scenery (14 October 2024)
Leo Marks
Between Silk and Cyanide (27 September 2002)
Simeon Marsalis
As Lie Is to Grin (4 November 2017)
Steven Martin
Opium Fiend (29 July 2012)
Steve Martin
Born Standing Up (14 July 2014)
Judith Martin
Miss Manners' Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior (17 October 2016)
Madeline Martin
The Librarian Spy (2 September 2022)
Pedro Martin
Mexikid (20 July 2024)
Arkady Martine
A Memory Called Empire (19 June 2019)
Kate Mascarenhas
The Psychology of Time Travel (1 December 2020)
Terry Masear
Fastest Things on Wings: Rescuing Hummingbirds in Hollywood (6 March 2017)
Daniel Mason
The Piano Tuner (6 June 2006)
Elan Mastai
All Our Wrong Todays (16 July 2018)
Tim Maughan
Infinite Detail (20 March 2021)
D. T. Max
The Family That Couldn’t Sleep: A Medical Mystery (17 November 2019)
Matthew Mayo
Archer Mayor
Borderlines (8 November 2005)
Bury the Lead (16 December 2018)
Bellows Falls (27 March 2014)
Bomber’s Moon (13 October 2019)
The Catch (25 May 2014)
Chat (18 May 2014)
The Company She Kept (10 November 2015)
Dark Root (15 March 2014)
The Disposable Man (2 April 2014)
Fall Guy (24 October 2022)
Fruits of the Poisonous Tree (9 March 2014)
Gatekeeper (26 April 2014)
Marble Mask (13 April 2014)
Marked Man (19 October 2021)
Occam’s Razor (11 April 2014)
Open Season (29 October 2005)
The Orphan’s Guilt (13 October 2020)
Paradise City (2 March 2014)
Presumption of Guilt (6 December 2016)
The Price of Malice (2 June 2014)
Proof Positive (6 November 2014)
Ragman’s Memory (24 March 2014)
Red Herring (5 June 2014)
Scent of Evil (4 December 2005)
The Second Mouse (13 May 2014)
The Skeleton’s Knee (8 March 2014)
The Sniper’s Wife (22 April 2014)
St. Albans Fire (9 May 2014)
The Surrogate Thief (14 July 2012)
Tag Man (10 June 2014)
Three Can Keep A Secret (20 June 2014)
Trace (15 November 2017)
Tucker Peak (17 April 2014)
Bill McAdoo
Pre-Civil War Black Nationalism (22 June 2002)
Gillian McAllister
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (20 February 2024)
Marsha McCabe
Wendy McCarthy
Sex Education and the Intellectually Handicapped (10 August 2003)
Scott McCloud
Zot (9 December 2008)
John McCormack
A Friend of the Flock: Tales of a Country Veterinarian (30 September 2002)
Stephen McCranie
Mal and Chad: The Biggest, Bestest Time Ever! (10 December 2013)
Carson McCullers
The Member of the Wedding (27 July 2002)
Aaron McGruder
A Right to Be Hostile (15 August 2005)
Bill McKibben
Deep Economy (7 July 2008)
Radio Free Vermont: A Fable of Resistance. (27 June 2018)
Chris McKinney
Midnight Water City (29 July 2021)
Elizabeth McKracken
The Giant’s House: A Romance (14 October 2011)
Joanne McNeill
Lurking: How a Person Became a User (29 September 2019)
Wrong Way (20 December 2023)
John McPhee
The Ransom of Russian Art (21 October 2002)
Dervla McTiernan
The Good Turn (30 April 2021)
The Ruin (17 April 2021)
The Scholar (17 April 2021)
Nick Medina
Indian Burial Ground (18 June 2024)
Linda Medley
Castle Waiting (11 August 2011)
Rosenbloom Megan
Judy Melinek
Working Stiff (17 June 2015)
Brad Meltzer
Book of Lies (14 February 2013)
The Book of Fate (28 June 2007)
Dead Even (8 March 2013)
The Fifth Assassin (26 July 2014)
The First Counsel (23 April 2010)
Inner Circle (17 February 2013)
The Millionaires (29 September 2009)
The President’s Shadow (30 July 2015)
The Tenth Justice (17 March 2013)
The Zero Game (7 July 2010)
editors of Mental Floss
What’s the Difference? (9 August 2006)
Jean Merrill
The Elephant Who Liked to Smash Cars (3 February 2015)
Jon Meyer
Love Poems from Vermont (30 September 2020)
Scott Meyer
Off to Be the Wizard (13 January 2024)
James Meyers
Eggplants, Elevators, Etc. (13 January 2005)
Amy Meyerson
The Bookshop of Yesterdays (3 June 2019)
Ben Mezrich
Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption (24 November 2019)
Sean Michaels
Do You Remember Being Born (24 February 2024)
China Mievelle
The City & The City (15 December 2015)
Perdido Street Station (26 June 2005)
Ron Miles
3500: An Autistic Boy’s Ten-Year Romance with Snow White (4 December 2014)
Terry Miles
Rabbits (15 July 2021)
Walter Miller
A Canticle for Liebowitz (30 December 2018)
John Miller
Steven Millhauser
The Barnum Museum (24 September 2010)
Dangerous Laughter (25 October 2009)
The King in the Tree (19 May 2003)
Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer (13 April 2003)
Christian Millman, ed.
Yankee Magazine’s Living Well on a Shoestring (6 March 2005)
Sidney Mintz
Yukio Mishima
Patriotism (4 February 2002)
Saundra Mitchell
Shadowed Summer (2 September 2008)
Pat Mitchell
Goodbye Pound Cake (6 July 2023)
Kevin Mitnick
Ghost In The Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker (30 September 2015)
Rutu Modan
The Property (22 June 2018)
Bill and Jan Moeller
Full-Time RVing: A Complete Guide to Life on the Open Road (23 January 2017)
Erika Moen
Haroon Moghul
How to Be a Muslim: An American Story (9 December 2018)
Janelle Monae
Mike Monteiro
Elizabeth Moon
The Speed of Dark (12 October 2005)
Ben Moor
More Trees to Climb (18 May 2023)
Lorrie Moore
Who Will Run the Frog Hospital (4 February 2002)
Alan Moore
From Hell (30 September 2011)
V is for Vendetta (13 July 2013)
Watchmen (28 September 2008)
Mark Moran
Weird US (25 January 2005)
Richard Morgan
Altered Carbon (29 October 2019)
Lael Morgan
Good Time Girls of the Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush (26 May 2022)
Erin Morgenstern
The Starless Sea (31 May 2020)
Samuel Eliot Morison
David Morrell
Brotherhood of the Rose & The Fraternity of the Stone (17 September 2003)
The Covenant of the Flame (2 May 2005)
Kate Morton
Homecoming (21 October 2023)
Peter Morville
Ambient Findability (8 June 2007)
Rosemary Mosco
Birding Is My Favorite Video Game (12 June 2018)
Howard Frank Mosher
On Kingdom Mountain (7 April 2009)
The Fall of the Year (18 December 2016)
God’s Kingdom (26 May 2016)
Marie Blythe (26 May 2024)
Points North: Stories (16 February 2019)
A Stranger in the Kingdom (12 October 2009)
Walter Mosley
Devil in a Blue Dress (15 January 2017)
Walter Mosley
Devil in a Blue Dress (14 October 2024)
Philip Mould
The Art Detective (19 November 2010)
Francoise Mouly
The Best American Comics 2012 (9 April 2020)
Melinda Moustakis
Homestead (7 October 2023)
Farley Mowat
The Boat Who Wouldn’t Float (1 August 2002)
Molly Muldoon
A Quick and Easy Guide to Asexuality. (31 January 2023)
Jim Mullen
It Takes a Village Idiot (29 June 2003)
Randall Munroe
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions (28 September 2017)
Haruki Murikami
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World (13 July 2010)
Ted Murin
Birdwatching in Vermont (15 August 2004)
Mark Murphy
House of Java I & II (9 April 2004)
Pat Murphy
The Wild Girls (2 August 2007)
Lynne Murphy
Miyamoto Musashi
The Book of Five Rings (17 February 2018)
E. C. Myers
Fair Coin (15 September 2019)
E. J. Myers
On Whitcomb Hill (11 April 2023)
Ramez Naam
Nexus (11 November 2014)
Sequoia Nagamatsu
How High We Go In The Dark (5 February 2022)
Harini Nagendra
The Bangalore Detectives Club (1 June 2022)
Julia Navarro
Brotherhood of the Holy Shroud (2 August 2015)
Ray Nayler
The Mountain in the Sea (8 September 2023)
The Tusks of Extinction (13 February 2024)
Kunal Nayyar
Yes, My Accent is Real (2 January 2016)
Kindra Neely
Numb to This (28 January 2023)
Maudean Neill
Bryn Nelson
Flush (3 June 2023)
Jo Nesbo
Fart Powder: Bubble in the Bathtub (15 January 2012)
Josh Neufeld
A Few Perfect Hours (14 February 2005)
Katherine Neville
The Eight (16 November 2008)
The Fire (13 March 2009)
Annalee Newitz
Autonomous (28 October 2018)
The Future of Another Timeline (22 October 2019)
The Terraformers (27 June 2023)
Emma Newman
After Atlas (21 August 2020)
Atlas Alone (13 September 2020)
Before Mars (8 September 2020)
Planetfall (13 July 2020)
Meichi Ng
Barely Functional Adult (25 March 2021)
Nicholas Nicholson
Object of Virtue (20 August 2004)
Audrey Niffenegger
Her Fearful Symmetry (24 June 2017)
Time Traveler’s Wife (15 August 2004)
Garth Nix
The Left-Handed Bookseller of London (10 October 2024)
Howard Norman
The Ghost Clause (7 September 2019)
Mary Norris
Between You & Me: Confessions of a Comma Queen (22 August 2017)
Alex Norris
How To Love: A Guide to Feelings and Relationships for Everyone (29 December 2023)
Claire North
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August (17 June 2021)
Ryan North
Danger and Other Unknown Risks (14 April 2024)
Dan Nott
Hidden Systems (23 August 2023)
Sharyn November, ed.
Firebirds (11 March 2005)
Firebirds Rising (24 July 2006)
Firebirds Soaring (16 November 2008)
Danica Novgorodoff
Refresh Refresh (17 January 2015)
Sara Novic
True Biz (7 July 2022)
Deborah Noyes, ed
Mado Nozaki
Titan (21 December 2022)
Paul Nyhart
Bao (3 May 2022)
Eric Nylund
Signal to Noise (18 December 2002)
Flannery O'Connor
Everything that Rises Must Converge (16 March 2002)
Elizabeth O'Connor
Whale Fall (13 November 2024)
Kathleen O'Dell
The Aviary (7 October 2018)
Daniel O'Malley
The Rook (27 September 2014)
Joyce Carol Oates
Big Mouth and Ugly Girl (13 April 2006)
We Were the Mulvaneys (2 August 2007)
Mark Obmascik
The Big Year (30 June 2011)
Jenny Offill
Weather (16 October 2019)
Danielle Ofri
Incidental Findings (22 May 2005)
Yoko Ogawa
The Housekeeper and the Professor (6 April 2017)
Temi Oh
More Perfect (17 December 2023)
Nnedi Okorafor
Binti: The Complete Trilogy (23 September 2019)
Arika Okrent
In the Land of Invented Languages (6 June 2022)
Audur Ava Olafsdottir
Hotel Silence (17 October 2018)
Malka Older
The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles (15 April 2024)
The Mimicking of Known Successes (2 March 2024)
Michael Olmert
Ijeoma Oluo
So You Want to Talk About Race (24 March 2018)
Iona & Peter Opie
I Saw Esau (30 June 2002)
Ted Orland
The View From The Studio Door (27 March 2008)
Susan Orlean
The Bullfighter Checks Her Makeup (29 June 2011)
The Library Book (29 April 2019)
The Orchid Thief (23 March 2005)
Julie Orringer
How to Breathe Underwater (18 January 2006)
Vrest Orton
The Unique Inauguration of Calvin Coolidge (28 July 2005)
Thomas Orton
The Lost Glass Plates of Wilfred Eng (17 July 2022)
Richard Osman
The Bullet That Missed (13 November 2022)
The Man Who Died Twice (20 November 2021)
The Thursday Murder Club (15 October 2021)
Molly Knox Ostertag
The Deep Dark (14 December 2024)
The Girl From the Sea (29 September 2022)
Jim Ottaviani
The Imitation Game: Alan Turing Decoded (22 June 2018)
Mary Otto
Jennifer Ouellette
The Calculus Diaries (26 January 2011)
Frank Owen
Clubland (31 May 2005)
Adam Oyebjani
Braking Day (28 April 2022)
Cynthia Ozick
The Messiah of Stockholm (22 June 2002)
Jason Padgett
Struck by Genius (23 March 2015)
Theo Padnos
My Life Had Stood A Loaded Gun (28 September 2023)
David Padreira
Gunpowder Moon (30 March 2018)
Tyler Page
Button Pusher (8 June 2022)
Robin Paige
Death on the Lizard (2 June 2010)
R. J. Palacio
White Bird: A Wonder Story (23 October 2019)
Chuck Palahniuk
Choke (13 February 2003)
Diary (7 October 2003)
Lullaby (22 November 2002)
Stranger Than Fiction (30 June 2004)
Michael Palmer
The First Patient (3 February 2009)
Dexter Palmer
The Dream of Perpetual Motion (16 August 2020)
Version Control (10 August 2020)
Breece DJ Pancake
The Stories of Breece D’J Pancake (8 February 2002)
Kevin Panetta
Bloom (13 September 2020)
Victor Papanek
How Things Don’t Work (6 May 2004)
Jason Pargin
Futuristic Violence And Fancy Suits (20 January 2025)
I’m Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom (18 October 2024)
Simon Parkin
Elena Passarello
Animals Strike Curious Poses (7 December 2017)
Ben Passmore
Your Black Friend and Other Strangers (28 May 2019)
Phaedra Patrick
The Library of Lost and Found (21 June 2019)
James Patterson
Pop Goes the Weasel (10 March 2003)
Richard North Patterson
Protect and Defend (20 April 2005)
Gary Paulsen
Winterdance (19 July 2020)
Nancy Pearl
Book Lust To Go (24 April 2020)
Iain Pears
An Instance of the Fingerpost (20 April 2020)
Edmund Lester Pearson
The Librarian at Play (17 May 2002)
Elmer Pearson
The Shaker Image (11 December 2009)
Paul Peart-Smith
Lincoln Peirce
Big Nate in a Class by Himself (12 May 2015)
Louise Penny
All the Devils Are Here (8 October 2020)
The Beautiful Mystery (25 June 2015)
A Better Man (4 September 2019)
The Brutal Telling (10 June 2015)
Bury Your Dead (14 June 2015)
Cruelest Month (29 May 2015)
A Fatal Grace (28 May 2015)
Glass Houses (7 September 2017)
A Great Reckoning (24 September 2016)
The Grey Wolf (7 November 2024)
The Hangman (10 July 2015)
How the Light Gets In (2 July 2015)
Kingdom of the Blind (6 December 2018)
The Long Way Home (10 July 2015)
The Madness of Crowds (14 September 2021)
Nature of the Beast (31 August 2015)
A Rule Against Murder (3 June 2015)
Still Life (21 May 2015)
A Trick of the Light (22 June 2015)
A World of Curiosities (13 December 2022)
Eliot Peper
Bandwidth (10 July 2019)
Borderless (6 April 2020)
Breach (11 April 2020)
Foundry (25 December 2023)
Reap3r (3 June 2022)
David Pepper
Communes and the Green Vision (15 June 2019)
Celia Perez
The First Rule of Punk (9 July 2018)
Arturo Perez-Reverte
The Club Dumas (19 November 2002)
The Flanders Panel (27 July 2003)
The Nautical Chart (21 August 2005)
The Queen of the South (28 April 2004)
The Seville Communion (5 May 2005)
Noel Perrin
Solo: Life With An Electric Car (19 September 2021)
Ludek Pesek
The Earth is Near (7 July 2017)
Henry Petroski
Pushing the Limits: New Adventures in Engineering (19 June 2007)
The Book on the Book Shelf (20 October 2003)
Remaking the World : Adventures in Engineering (2 July 2005)
The Road Taken: The History and Future of America’s Infrastructure (17 February 2018)
Small Things Considered (13 May 2007)
To Engineer is Human (1 March 2008)
To Forgive Design (23 April 2016)
Brenda Peynado
Time’s Agent (7 September 2024)
Leila Philip
Beaverland (1 July 2023)
Helen Phillips
Hum (2 November 2024)
Melissa Pierson
The Perfect Vehicle (1 May 2024)
R. J. Pineiro
Cyberterror (23 March 2010)
Claudia Pinero
A Crack in the Wall (5 April 2024)
Daniel Pinkwater
Uncle Boris in the Yukon (28 August 2002)
Ed Piskor
Wizzywig (27 January 2013)
Joe Pitkin
Exit Black (12 March 2024)
Joshua Piven et al
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating and Sex (11 May 2002)
Emily Pohl-Weary
A Girl Like Sugar (22 August 2006)
Kevin Pollack
Michael Pollan
The Botany of Desire (4 September 2002)
Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual (16 November 2011)
John Porcellino
Thoreau at Walden (12 February 2017)
Roy Porter
Blood and guts : a short history of medicine (4 November 2003)
Anna Porter
The Bookfair Murders (24 November 2010)
Chana Porter
The Seep (2 October 2024)
Ashley Poston
The Seven-Year Slip (28 October 2023)
Kevin Poulsen
William Poundstone
How Would You Move Mount Fuji (12 September 2003)
Nate Powell
Any Empire (21 June 2012)
Save It For Later (19 November 2023)
Richard Powers
The Gold Bug Variations (1 April 2003)
Orfeo (14 April 2017)
The Overstory (23 February 2020)
Playground (2 March 2025)
Alan Powers
BirdTalk: Conversations with Birds (14 January 2012)
Douglas Preston
Cabinet of Curiosities (10 June 2017)
The Codex (28 September 2004)
Codex (18 March 2010)
The Pharoah Key (13 November 2018)
Relic (17 May 2017)
Reliquary (27 May 2017)
Megan Price
Cherie Priest
Flight Risk (29 January 2023)
Grave Reservations (5 November 2021)
Annie Proulx
What’ll You Take For It? (8 July 2002)
Robert Provine
Curious Behavior Yawning, Laughing, Hiccupping, and Beyond (23 August 2015)
Stephen Puleo
Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 (22 December 2013)
Natasha Pulley
The Kingdoms (6 August 2024)
The Lost Future of Pepperharrow (2 June 2024)
The Mars House (28 April 2024)
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street (9 April 2024)
Philip Pullman
The Amber Spyglass (15 August 2013)
Golden Compass (5 May 2013)
The Subtle Knife (31 July 2013)
Nick Pyenson
Spying on Whales (8 September 2023)
There Is No Antimemetics Division (14 December 2021)
David Quammen
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction (19 December 2012)
David Quammen, ed.
The Best American Science & Nature Writing 2000 (17 April 2003)
Alissa Quart
Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers (20 October 2003)
Chen Quifan
Waste Tide (4 October 2019)
Joan Quigley
The Day the Earth Caved In (14 December 2014)
Hope Stanley Quinn
Downsized but Not Defeated: The Family Guide to Living on Less (21 April 2004)
Susan Kaye Quinn
When You Had Power (22 January 2025)
Austin Radcliffe
Things Organized Neatly: The Art of Arranging the Everyday (9 April 2016)
Kristen Radtke
Imagine Wanting Only This (13 August 2021)
Hannu Rajaniemi
The Causal Angel (21 January 2021)
The Fractal Prince (31 December 2020)
The Quantum Thief (25 December 2020)
David Rakoff
Fraud (18 September 2002)
Ted Rall
Attitude 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists (18 September 2004)
Bernie (7 December 2017)
John Ralston
The Secret of Invisibility (11 December 2009)
Cat Rambo
You Sexy Thing (30 October 2024)
Franchesca Ramsey
Kritika Rao
The Surviving Sky (14 October 2023)
Ellen Raskin
The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel) (30 November 2013)
Michelle Ray
How to Hike the AT (29 April 2023)
Deanna Raybourn
Silent in the Grave (18 March 2010)
Silent on the Moor (17 January 2011)
A Curious Beginning (3 November 2018)
Dar Road to Darjeeling (9 February 2013)
The Dark Enquiry (20 October 2013)
Silent in the Sanctuary (11 January 2011)
Joseph Reagle
Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia (16 August 2010)
Cheryl Reed
Unveiled: The Hidden Lives of Nuns (22 September 2004)
MK Reed
Americus (30 May 2014)
Americus (30 June 2024)
David Rees
My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable (21 October 2004)
Ed Regis
Who Got Einstein’s Office? (13 February 2003)
Christopher Reich
The First Billion (2 October 2007)
The Prince of Risk (16 February 2015)
Rules of Deception (30 October 2011)
Kathy Reichs
Death du Jour (23 January 2006)
Fatal Voyage (22 October 2005)
Cross Bones (20 March 2006)
Jordan Reid
The Big Activity Book for Anxious People (29 January 2022)
Rob Reid
Year Zero (24 April 2023)
Tyler Resch
Glastenbury, the history of a Vermont ghost town (19 November 2019)
Jason Reynolds
Long Way Down: The Graphic Novel (8 July 2021)
Alastair Reynolds
Permafrost (22 August 2022)
Pushing Ice (20 January 2023)
Revelation Space (18 September 2022)
Loren Rhoads
Morbid Curiosity Cures the Blues (24 October 2010)
Anne Rice
The Mummy (30 June 2002)
Waubgeshig Rice
Moon of the Crusted Snow (27 May 2019)
Moon of the Turning Leaves (5 March 2024)
Nathaniel Rich
Odds Against Tomorrow (16 August 2014)
John Richardson
In the Little World - A True Story of Dwarfs, Love, and Trouble (22 November 2002)
Kim Michelle Richardson
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek (19 November 2019)
The Book Woman’s Daughter (30 May 2022)
A. G. Riddle
Lost in Time (4 October 2022)
Jacob Riis
How the other half lives (24 February 2017)
Josh Ritter
The Great Glorious Goddamn of It All (18 April 2022)
Mary Roach
Fuzz (14 December 2021)
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (31 July 2003)
Sophy Roberts
The Lost Pianos of Siberia (23 May 2021)
Alex Robinson
Box Office Poison (13 July 2005)
Marilynne Robinson
Housekeeping (17 November 2006)
Kim Stanley Robinson
2312 (5 February 2015)
Antarctica (15 April 2015)
Aurora (23 January 2024)
Blue Mars (27 May 2022)
Future Primitive: The New Ecotopias (20 November 2013)
Green Mars (17 May 2022)
Icehenge (6 September 2024)
Red Mars (10 May 2022)
Red Moon (24 November 2019)
Shaman (7 January 2021)
The Years of Rice and Salt (8 May 2015)
Phoebe Robinson
No You Can’t Touch My Hair (20 February 2017)
Please Don’t Sit on My Bed In Your Outside Clothes (12 March 2022)
Eddie Robson
Drunk On All Your Strange New Words (19 August 2022)
Fiona Rogers
Firecrackers: Female Photographers Now (29 December 2018)
Rebecca Roher
Bird in a Cage (22 February 2017)
Jennifer Rohn
Cat Zero (10 September 2017)
Margot Rosenberg
The Care and Feeding of Books Old and New (31 January 2003)
Megan Rosenbloom
Patrick Rosenkranz
Rebel Visions: The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1975 (18 April 2021)
JD Roth
Your Money: The Missing Manual (8 December 2016)
Berton Roueche
The Incurable Wound (25 April 2002)
Amy Rowland
The Transcriptionist (23 July 2015)
JK Rowling
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (15 December 2005)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (13 July 2003)
Jacob Rubin
The Poser (29 January 2020)
Matt Ruff
Sewer, Gas & Electric (30 October 2002)
Douglas Rushkoff
Life, Inc. (6 April 2009)
Richard Paul Russo
Ship of Fools (28 September 2024)
Sara Ryan
Bad Houses (7 August 2015)
Empress of the World (27 February 2002)
The Rules for Hearts (18 July 2007)
Witold Rybczynski
Tina S.
Ernesto Saade
Just Another Story (30 August 2024)
Joe Sacco
Notes from a Defeatist (20 March 2004)
Palestine (11 May 2002)
Louis Sachar
Holes (14 July 2005)
Small Steps (9 April 2006)
Anjali Sachdeva
All the Names They Used for God (19 July 2019)
Oliver Sacks
The Mind’s Eye (9 July 2011)
Uncle Tungsten (27 August 2002)
John Arne Saeteroy
Low Moon (25 July 2012)
Jonathan Safran Foer
Everything is Illuminated (1 February 2008)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (1 June 2008)
Peter Sagal
The Book of Vice: Very Naughty Things (and How to Do Them) (1 April 2017)
Marcus Sakey
A Better World (12 August 2014)
Brilliance (10 August 2014)
The Two Deaths of Daniel Hayes (2 March 2015)
Written in Fire (20 February 2016)
Yumi Sakugawa
There is No Right Way to Meditate (10 November 2023)
Richard Sala
Mad Night (16 December 2013)
Sofia Samatar
A Stranger in Olondria (7 August 2023)
Kate Sammworth
Aviary Wonders Inc. (18 February 2019)
Freya Sampson
The Last Chance Library (29 June 2022)
Brandon Sanderson
Alcatraz Versus The Evil Librarians (15 June 2010)
The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England. (12 November 2023)
Brandon Sanderson
John Sandford
The Devil’s Code (30 May 2005)
Dan Santat
A First Time For Everything (9 April 2023)
Jose Saramago
Blindness (12 August 2006)
Richard Sassaman
Bar Harbor Police Beat (7 May 2012)
Gary Sassaman
Is This the Way to Fiction? (7 November 2012)
Marjane Satrapi
Embroideries (31 May 2016)
Rakesh Satyal
No One Can Pronounce My Name (28 February 2024)
Robert Sawyer
WWW: Wonder (23 January 2013)
John Sayles
Thinking In Pictures: The Making Of The Movie Matewan (25 August 2012)
John Scalzi
The Androids Dream (26 July 2015)
The Collapsing Empire (8 September 2018)
The Dispatcher (17 March 2023)
Head On (14 September 2018)
The Kaiju Preservation Society (22 March 2022)
Lock In (22 September 2014)
Murder by Other Means (2 May 2023)
Redshirts (26 January 2015)
Starter Villain (25 October 2023)
Travel by Bullet (5 May 2023)
Eric Scerri
A Tale of Seven Elements (17 November 2016)
Joel Schalit
The Anti-Capitalism Reader (30 October 2002)
Susan Schaller
A Man Without Words (21 March 2004)
Felix Scheinberger
Dare to Sketch: A Guide to Drawing on the Go (2 May 2019)
Nancy Rica Schiff
Odd Jobs: Portraits of Unusual Occupations (21 April 2004)
Bernhard Schlink
The Reader (14 December 2004)
Eric Schlosser
Fast Food Nation (22 January 2003)
Reefer Madness (9 February 2004)
Aaron Schmidt
Useful, Usable, Desirable: Applying User Experience Design to Your Library (30 December 2016)
Sensory: Life on the Spectrum (22 April 2023)
James Scott
Two Cheers for Anarchism (4 March 2024)
Lisa Scottoline
Courting Trouble (26 December 2003)
Killer Smile (30 March 2005)
Alice Sebold
The Lovely Bones (31 March 2004)
David Sedaris
Calypso (9 December 2018)
Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls (2 April 2015)
When You Are Engulfed in Flames (15 June 2019)
Ekaterina Sedia
House of Discarded Dreams (4 October 2016)
Alex Segura
Secret Identity (28 October 2022)
Robert Seidenberg
Women Who Marry Houses: Panic and Protest in Agoraphobia (29 July 2003)
Asne Seierstad
The Bookseller of Kabul (27 July 2006)
Jerry Seinfeld
Seinlanguage (3 May 2014)
Millicent Selsam
Greg’s Microscope (23 August 2015)
Susan Senator
Making Peace with Autism (13 December 2005)
Joann Sfar
Klezmer: Tales of the Wild East (1 January 2018)
Roger Shattuck
The Forbidden Experiment: The story of the Wild Boy of Aveyron (2 February 2003)
Lonnie Shavelson
I’m not crazy, I just lost my glasses. (19 March 2018)
William Shaw
The Birdwatcher (18 September 2017)
Prudence Shen
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong (15 June 2014)
Peng Shepherd
All This And More (20 October 2024)
The Cartographers (26 March 2022)
Gina Sheridan
I work in a public library (21 November 2017)
Ashley Shew
Against Technoableism (14 October 2023)
Jason Shiga
Bookhunter (22 July 2007)
Tamara Shopsin
LaserWriter II (14 June 2022)
Anita Shreve
Body Surfing (26 July 2010)
Ritch Shydner
I Killed: True Stories of the Road from America’s Top Comics (5 February 2012)
David Allen Sibley
What It’s Like To Be a Bird (31 May 2024)
Gabourey Sidibe
This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare (30 January 2018)
Sheldon Siegel
Incriminating Evidence (26 August 2009)
Daniel Silva
Black Widow (26 May 2018)
House of Spies (8 June 2018)
Mark of the Assassin (3 December 2017)
The Cellist (21 January 2022)
The Collector (22 September 2023)
The Confessor (24 October 2017)
A Death in Vienna (31 October 2017)
The Defector (21 January 2018)
The English Assassin (22 October 2017)
The English Girl (17 March 2018)
The English Spy (23 January 2016)
The English Spy (13 May 2018)
The Fallen Angel (9 March 2018)
The Heist (30 March 2018)
The Kill Artist (27 December 2016)
The Messenger (31 December 2017)
Moscow Rules (11 January 2018)
The New Girl (13 August 2019)
The Order (7 July 2021)
The Other Woman (20 August 2018)
Portrait of a Spy (22 February 2018)
Portrait of an Unknown Woman (13 August 2022)
Prince of Fire (25 November 2017)
The Rembrandt Affair (9 February 2018)
The Secret Servant (2 January 2018)
Cory Silverberg
You Know, Sex (23 July 2022)
Ken Silverstein
The Radioactive Boy Scout (4 January 2005)
Shel Silverstein
"Now Here’s My Plan": A Book of Futilities (30 August 2017)
Who wants a cheap rhinoceros? (8 May 2014)
Clifford Simak
Way Station (28 November 2021)
Tom Simon
Green Mountain Boys of Summer (7 January 2020)
Christine Simon
The Patron Saint of Second Chances (2 July 2022)
Guy Sims
Monster: A Graphic Novel (28 March 2019)
Laura Sims
How Can I Help You? (17 September 2023)
P. W. Singer
Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War (7 December 2018)
Simon Singh
The Code Book (15 August 2004)
Emily Skrutskie
The Salvation Gambit (5 December 2023)
Jonathan Slaght
William Sleator
Into the Dream (12 February 2009)
Mark Sloan
Robin Sloan
Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore (17 September 2012)
Moonbound (20 July 2024)
Sourdough (10 January 2021)
The Suitcase Clone (9 January 2024)
David Small
Home After Dark (30 November 2018)
Stitches: A Memoir (19 July 2011)
Erica Smith
The Girlfrenzy Millenial (16 March 2002)
Alexander McCall Smith
The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs (7 August 2005)
The Full Cupboard of Life (20 July 2004)
In The Company of Cheerful Ladies (17 October 2005)
The Kalahari Typing School for Men (12 May 2004)
Morality for Beautiful Girls (16 February 2004)
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (10 February 2004)
Portuguese Irregular Verbs (25 July 2005)
The Sunday Philosophy Club (6 November 2005)
Tears of the Giraffe (15 February 2004)
Sarah Harrison Smith
The Fact Checker’s Bible (21 October 2004)
Jeff Smith
The Best American Comics 2013 (24 June 2018)
Bone (5 August 2005)
Julian Smith
Aloha Rodeo (8 May 2020)
Editors Smoking Gun
The Dog Dialed 911 (17 September 2012)
Lemony Snicket
The Bad Beginning (4 March 2006)
Zilpha Keatley Snyder
The Changeling (30 August 2016)
Mary Soderstrom
Frenemy Nations: Love and Hate Between Neighbo(u)ring States (29 October 2019)
Rebecca Solnit
A Field Guide to Getting Lost (9 July 2023)
Norman Solomon
Judaism: A Very Short Introduction (14 January 2018)
Adam Soto
This Weightless World (3 December 2021)
Ahdaf Soueif
The Map of Love (15 March 2003)
Boyden Sparkes
Hetty Green The Witch of Wall Street (12 March 2015)
Erica Spindler
All Fall down (5 January 2011)
Jerry Spinelli
Library Card (1 March 2006)
Paul Spinrad
The RE/search Guide to Bodily Fluids (20 May 2003)
Dana Spiotta
Eat the Document (12 December 2019)
James Spooner
The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere. (18 November 2022)
Tom Standage
The Turk (23 January 2005)
The Victorian Internet (11 May 2018)
Barbara Staples
The Granite State’s Boston Post Canes (22 March 2022)
R. E. Stearns
Barbary Station (10 March 2020)
Side Quest, A Visual History of Role Playing Games (6 February 2025)
Neil Steinberg
Jeffrey Steingarten
The Man Who Ate Everything (11 May 2002)
Jim Steinmeyer
Neal Stephenson
Anathem (27 April 2016)
Fall, or Dodge in Hell (8 July 2020)
Quicksilver (18 December 2003)
Seveneves (17 March 2016)
Bruce Sterling
Distraction (10 May 2003)
A Good Old-Fashioned Future (16 March 2002)
Holy Fire (21 May 2002)
The Zenith Angle (10 November 2006)
Madeline Stern
Adam Sternbergh
Shovel Ready: A Novel (3 October 2014)
Jay Stevens
Storming Heaven (10 December 2002)
Taylor Stevens
The Catch (30 November 2014)
The Doll (25 November 2014)
The Informationist (23 September 2011)
The Innocent (20 November 2014)
The Mask (11 September 2015)
The Vessel (25 November 2014)
Noelle Stevenson
Lumberjanes Vol. 1: Beware The Kitten Holy (21 March 2017)
Jerusha Stewart
Jon Stewart
Naked Pictures of Famous People (24 August 2006)
Ian Stewart
Cows in the Maze (20 December 2014)
S. M. Stirling
Conquistador (13 July 2004)
Dies the Fire (19 July 2005)
Islands in the Sea of Time (21 October 2002)
Danie Stirling
Crumbs (12 October 2022)
Dan Stout
Titanshade (3 May 2020)
Charles Stross
Accelerando (25 September 2011)
The Atrocity Archives (23 September 2017)
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Roadside Picnic (14 October 2017)
James Sturm
Adventures in Cartooning: How to Turn Your Doodles Into Comics (16 March 2017)
The Golem’s Mighty Swing (22 September 2004)
Satchel Paige, Striking Out Jim Crow (7 August 2021)
Daniel Suarez
Daemon (29 May 2010)
Critical Mass (25 March 2023)
Delta-v (21 July 2020)
Freedom (1 July 2010)
Mathangi Subramanian
A People’s History of Heaven (3 June 2020)
Robert Sullivan
Rats (26 November 2006)
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan
Big Girl (3 November 2022)
James Surowiecki
The Wisdom of Crowds (1 October 2005)
Caroline Sutton
How Do They Do That? (13 November 2002)
Peter Swanson
Eight Perfect Murders (6 May 2020)
Vikas Swarup
Q & A (8 February 2014)
Christina Sweeney-Baird
The End of Men (5 June 2021)
Tom Sweterlitsch
The Gone World (29 February 2020)
Duane Swierczynski
The Blonde (9 October 2014)
Expiration Date (15 September 2015)
Fun & Games (19 November 2015)
Hell and Gone (29 November 2015)
Point and Shoot (29 November 2015)
Severance Package (2 December 2014)
The Wheelman (1 January 2015)
Erica Swyler
Book of Speculation (5 December 2015)
S. D. Sykes
Plague Land (23 March 2015)
Wladyslaw Szpilman
The Pianist (19 March 2003)
George Szpiro
Poincare’s Prize (25 September 2024)
John Arne Sæterøy
George Takei
They Called Us Enemy (7 September 2020)
Nicholas Taleb
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (4 May 2011)
Mariko Tamaki
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me (5 June 2021)
Roaming (31 March 2024)
SuperMutant Magic Academy (15 December 2015)
This One Summer (17 January 2015)
Daniel Tammet
Thinking in Numbers (20 January 2014)
Mark Tatulli
Lio: Happiness Is a Squishy Cephalopod (23 May 2014)
Rebekah Taussig
Sitting Pretty (31 December 2020)
Nathan Tavares
A Fractured Infinity (15 April 2023)
Welcome to Forever (6 June 2024)
Richard Taylor
Taylor Made -- The Best of Bee Talk (14 February 2002)
Kim Taylor
Bowery Girl (7 July 2007)
Sarah Stewart Taylor
Agony Hill (25 October 2024)
John Tayman
The Colony (9 January 2012)
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Alien Clay (24 June 2024)
Children of Time (23 January 2019)
Elder Race (3 February 2022)
Service Model (15 July 2024)
Samuel Teer
Brownstone (8 November 2024)
Raina Telgemeier
Drama (13 June 2013)
Ghosts (3 April 2018)
Guts (26 October 2019)
Sisters (3 August 2019)
Smile (13 June 2013)
Doug TenNapel
Cardboard (5 May 2015)
Ghostopolis (12 July 2011)
Edward Tenner
Sheri Tepper
Gate to Women’s Country (23 January 2017)
Emily Tesh
Some Desperate Glory (31 January 2024)
Irv Thomas
Derelict Days (21 February 2005)
Lewis Thomas
The Youngest Science (13 June 2009)
Craig Thompson
Blankets: An Illustrated Novel (20 March 2004)
Neal Thompson
A Curious Man: The Strange and Brilliant Life of Robert (13 September 2014)
Victoria Thompson
Murder on Fifth Avenue (3 April 2022)
Murder on Lexington Avenue (3 November 2019)
Tade Thompson
Far From the Light of Heaven (12 November 2021)
Rosewater (2 January 2022)
Rosewater Insurrection (13 January 2022)
Rosewater Redemption (19 January 2022)
Kelly Thompson
The Girl Who Would be King (15 February 2022)
Robert Thorogood
Death Comes to Marlow (10 June 2023)
The Marlow Murder Club (9 May 2023)
Robert Thorson
Exploring Stone Walls: A Field Guide To Stone Walls (23 September 2006)
Brenna Thummler
Sheets (23 September 2019)
Lavie Tidhar
The Circumference of the World (25 December 2023)
Hannah Tinti
The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley (3 April 2017)
Elsa Tivnan
Spag: An American Business Legend (19 January 2020)
Jacqueline Tobin
Hidden in Plain View: A secret story of quilts and the underground railroad (13 December 2017)
Richard Todd
The Thing Itself (13 May 2009)
Iain Topliss
Juliet Torrez
The Sofa Surfin Handbook (27 February 2002)
Linus Torvalds
Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary (1 February 2007)
Steve Toutonghi
Side Life (9 November 2018)
Sue Townshend
Adrian Mole, The Cappucino Years (17 August 2002)
The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole (12 April 2002)
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 (2 April 2002)
Paul Tremblay
The Pallbearers Club (2 February 2023)
Camilla Trinchieri
The Bitter Taste of Murder (25 June 2022)
Murder in Chianti (22 June 2022)
Lewis Trondheim
Kaput and Zosky (4 February 2015)
Little Nothings: The Curse of the Umbrella (24 October 2011)
Uneasy Happiness (12 October 2012)
J. Maarten Troost
The Sex Lives of Cannibals: Adrift in the Equatorial Pacific (11 March 2023)
Stephen Tropiano
Saturday Night Live FAQ (2 March 2014)
Nick Trout
Tell Me Where It Hurts (30 November 2008)
Gary Trudeau
Doonesbury: Squared Away (27 February 2020)
Danielle Trussoni
Angelology (30 November 2023)
Angelopolis (17 January 2024)
The Puzzle Master (2 September 2023)
Kikuko Tsumura
There’s No Such Thing As An Easy Job (30 December 2024)
Todd Tucker
Cadwell Turnbull
No Gods, NoMonsters (22 April 2022)
James Turner
Rex Libris Volume One (10 May 2012)
Scott Turow
Reversible Errors (15 August 2004)
Robert Twigger
The Extinction Club (3 July 2012)
Michael Twitty
Koshersoul (18 June 2023)
Douglas Ubelaker
Bones (30 October 2002)
Ngozi Ukazu
Bunt (21 September 2024)
Ellen Ullman
The Bug (1 July 2017)
Thrity Umrigar
The Secrets Between Us (14 March 2019)
Paco Underhill
The Call of the Mall (9 May 2004)
Deb Olin Unferth
Barn 8 (10 May 2020)
Kimberly Unger
The Extractionist (29 April 2023)
Nucleation (16 October 2022)
Andrew Vachss
Hard Looks (9 April 2004)
Siva Vaidhyanathan
The Anarchist in the Library (10 November 2004)
Valerie Valdes
Chilling Effect (30 August 2020)
Catherynne M. Valente
Comfort Me With Apples (20 December 2021)
Alan Van Dine
Uncommon Structures, Unconventional Builders (10 February 2007)
Jeff VanderMeer
Ambergris (8 April 2021)
Absolution (1 December 2024)
Acceptance (4 January 2020)
Annihilation (20 December 2019)
Authority (31 December 2019)
Hummingbird Salamander (19 May 2021)
Hilda Vandermeeren
The Scorpion’s Head (27 June 2022)
Brian Vaughan
Paper Girls: The Complete Story (10 April 2023)
Carrie Vaughan
The Naturalist Society (14 December 2024)
Sudhir Venkatesh
Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets (18 March 2011)
Hida Viloria
Born Both: An Intersex Life (21 May 2017)
Peggy Vincent
Baby Catcher: Chronicles of a Modern Midwife (5 August 2003)
Vernor Vinge
Marooned in Realtime (12 May 2024)
The Peace War (7 May 2024)
Neeraja Viswanathan
The Street Law Handbook (7 April 2005)
Betty Vogel
A Librarian is to Read (4 May 2002)
Sarah Vowell
Assassination Vacation (23 March 2019)
Take the Cannoli (23 February 2021)
The Wordy Shipmates (13 February 2021)
Robert Wachter
Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Ira Wagler
Growing Up Amish (31 August 2011)
Tillie Walden
On A Sunbeam (26 January 2019)
Spinning (13 June 2021)
Rysa Walker
Now, Then, and Everywhen (27 April 2020)
Martin Walker
Black Diamond (24 September 2020)
The Body in the Castle Well (10 May 2021)
Bruno, Chief of Police (4 September 2020)
Children of War (27 November 2020)
The Coldest Case (23 August 2021)
The Crowded Grave (29 September 2020)
The Dark Vineyard (19 September 2020)
The Devil’s Cave (17 October 2020)
Fatal Pursuit (26 January 2021)
The Patriarch (20 December 2020)
The Resistance Man (22 October 2020)
The Shooting at Chateau Rock (31 May 2021)
A Taste for Vengeance (6 March 2021)
The Templar’s Last Secret (17 February 2021)
David Wallechinsky
The Book of Lists: The 90s Edition (29 January 2007)
Jasmine Walls
Brooms (19 February 2025)
Natalie Zina Walschots
Hench (12 March 2021)
Minette Walters
The Dark Room (27 October 2009)
Corrie Wang
The Takedown (6 December 2016)
Jesmyn Ward
Sing, Unburied Sing (28 August 2018)
Ruth Ware
The Woman in Cabin 10 (17 October 2016)
Ralph Warner
Get a Life: You Don’t Need a Million to Retire Well (21 February 2005)
Sofia Warren
Radical: My Year with a Socialist Senator (5 December 2023)
Bill Wasik
And Then There’s This (8 July 2020)
Fred Watson
Stargazer: The Life and Times of the Telescope (17 February 2022)
Peter Watts
Behemouth (10 November 2015)
Echopraxia (28 October 2015)
The Freeze-Frame Revolution (6 November 2018)
Maelstrom (24 October 2015)
Starfish (24 October 2015)
Robert Weber
More Random Walks in Science (5 July 2007)
David Weber
On Basilisk Station (26 September 2016)
Gavin Weightman
The Frozen Water Trade (29 June 2003)
Francois Weil
Family Trees: A History of Genealogy in America (27 July 2019)
Zach Weinersmith
Science: Ruining Everything Since 1543 (15 August 2016)
Andy Weir
Artemis (25 August 2017)
The Martian: A Novel (30 September 2014)
Project Hail Mary (12 May 2021)
Joe Weisberg
10th Grade (17 April 2003)
Alan Weisman
The World Without Us (12 October 2007)
Mary-Lou Weisman
Al Jaffee’s Mad Life (11 July 2019)
David Wellington
The Last Astronaut (1 November 2021)
Paradise-1 (18 June 2023)
Joseph Wells
Internet Fraud Casebook (5 April 2012)
Martha Wells
Artificial Condition (20 March 2019)
All Systems Red (18 March 2019)
Exit Strategy (28 March 2019)
Fugitive Telemetry (15 May 2021)
Network Effect (17 May 2020)
Rogue Protocol (23 March 2019)
System Collapse (3 January 2024)
Tom Wessels
Reading the Forested Landscape (14 January 2024)
Jessamyn West
The Life I Really Lived (17 November 2006)
The Reading Public (21 February 2004)
Secret Look: Poems (21 February 2004)
The State of Stony Lonesome (29 May 2003)
Cameron West
First Person Plural: My Life as a Multiple (6 March 2005)
Tyler Wetherall
No Way Home, a Memoir of Life on the Run (21 August 2019)
Michael Wex
Born to Kvetch (20 November 2022)
Robert Freeman Wexler
The Silverberg Business (29 September 2022)
Django Wexler
How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying (8 November 2024)
Harvey Wheeler
Fail Safe (30 July 2003)
Scott Wheeler
Rumrunners and Revenuers: Prohibition in Vermont (10 April 2015)
Kiersten White
Lucy Undying (23 November 2024)
Colson Whitehead
Harlem Shuffle (19 December 2021)
The Intuitionist (3 August 2020)
The Noble Hustle (14 December 2024)
Zone One (11 February 2021)
Harvey Whitfield
The Problem of Slavery in Early Vermont (20 June 2014)
Anna Wiener
Uncanny Valley: A memoir (11 December 2019)
Eli Wiesel
Night (21 May 2002)
David Wiesner
Fish Girl (22 August 2019)
Yudhanjaya Wijeratne
The Salvage Crew (15 January 2021)
John Noble Wilford
The Mapmakers (2 February 2003)
Doug Wilhelm
The Revealers (24 February 2006)
Donna Williams
Nobody Nowhere (21 February 2004)
Lily Williams
Go with the Flow (11 February 2020)
Eley Williams
Attrib. (12 May 2023)
Connie Willis
Lincoln’s Dreams (27 June 2006)
All Clear (4 March 2011)
Blackout (13 February 2011)
Crosstalk (14 September 2023)
Doomsday Book (3 May 2002)
Fire Watch (13 February 2003)
Future Imperfect (20 June 2006)
Impossible Things (15 January 2002)
Passage (6 April 2004)
The Road to Roswell (10 December 2023)
A Woman’s Liberation: A Choice of Futures by and About Women (9 January 2013)
Deborah Willis
Girlfriend on Mars (18 August 2023)
Gahan Wilson
Still Weird (4 November 2002)
Daniel Wilson
Robogenesis (16 October 2014)
Robopocalypse (13 October 2014)
Robert Charles Wilson
Axis (31 March 2017)
A Bridge of Years (14 December 2020)
The Spin (22 March 2017)
Vortex (17 April 2017)
Simon Winchester
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded (24 February 2009)
The Meaning of Everything (4 September 2006)
Jacqueline Winspear
Elegy for Eddie (19 February 2017)
The American Agent (25 January 2020)
Among the Mad (2 January 2017)
Birds of a Feather (31 October 2016)
The Comfort of Ghosts (15 August 2024)
The Consequences of Fear (30 January 2022)
A Dangerous Place (14 April 2017)
In This Grave Hour (5 June 2017)
An Incomplete Revenge (17 December 2016)
Journey to Munich (27 April 2017)
Leaving Everything Most Loved (16 March 2017)
A Lesson in Secrets (7 February 2017)
Maisie Dobbs (30 October 2016)
The Mapping of Love and Death (23 January 2017)
Messenger of Truth (25 November 2016)
Pardonable Lies (8 November 2016)
A Sunlit Weapon (6 April 2022)
To Die But Once (23 January 2020)
Ben Winters
Big Time (27 March 2024)
Golden State (2 April 2019)
The Last Policeman (4 October 2014)
The Quiet Boy (20 July 2021)
Underground Airlines (6 January 2017)
World of Trouble (6 October 2014)
Ann Wiseman
Making Things: The Hand Book of Creative Discovery (9 July 2005)
Mark Wolynn
It Didn’t Start With You (16 December 2021)
Ali Wong
Dear Girls (8 March 2020)
David Wong
Evie Woods
The Lost Bookshop (6 October 2024)
Jacqueline Woodson
Another Brooklyn (18 June 2017)
Esther Woolfson
Corvus: A Life with Birds (1 November 2018)
Simon Worrall
The poet and the murderer (3 May 2012)
Carolyn Wyman
Jell-O A Biography (7 March 2019)
Ge Yan
Strange Beasts of China (12 August 2021)
Gene Yang
American-Born Chinese (12 July 2011)
Boxers (10 July 2021)
Dragon Hoops (10 September 2020)
The Eternal Smile: Three Stories (19 July 2011)
Lunar New Year Love Story (4 March 2024)
Saints (9 July 2021)
Sophie Yanow
The Contradictions (1 July 2023)
Ed Yong
Best American Science and Nature Writing 2021 (28 January 2022)
Akira Yoshimura
Shipwrecks (25 May 2019)
Marly Youmans
Ingledove (23 March 2007)
Jon Young
What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World (22 February 2019)
Charles Yu
How to Live Safely in A Science Fictional Universe (20 February 2023)
Michael Zapata
The Lost Book of Adana Moreau (7 June 2020)
David Zapatka
USA Stars and Lights (30 December 2021)
Gabrielle Zevin
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (23 September 2022)
Andrew Zimmern
Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre World of Food: Brains, Bugs, and Blood Sausage (13 January 2012)
Paul Zindel
My Darling, My Hamburger (2 February 2010)
Howard Zinn
The Future of History (22 June 2002)
Mitchell Zuckoff
Frozen in Time (28 January 2023)
Lost in Shangri-La (29 March 2023)