[I've been
Beg the Question

This is one of my favorite types of graphic novels: the big chunky book. Fingerman’s sort of autobiographical story about an illustrator, his girlfriend and their friends just hanging out and doing stuff and eventually getting married in New York city. It’s more sexed-up than your average graphic novel but definitely toned-down from flat out raunchy porn. The illustrations are rich, quirky and thorough, keeping you from quickly thumbing through just looking for the next sex scene or the resolution to whatever the current plot momentum point is

Like many graphic novels of this genre, it was put together -- with some added illustration technique and a few more panels -- from a series of smaller comic books so there is a cadence to the stories that will become familiar. It will be hard for any thirty-something hipster to not read this and recognize at least one character that reminds them of themselves or someone they are close to.